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House Agriculture Committee Reviews State Options in SNAP

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to review the various options available to states when implementing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Members heard from a panel of witnesses who shared the current options available to states when implementing the program and how those options allow states to respond to the needs of their respective populations. Some of these state options streamline program administration, coordinate SNAP with other assistance programs for low-income families, and enable states to design the program to meet their objectives through determining their own financial eligibility, work-related eligibility, and reporting requirements. This hearing is a continuation of the committee’s top-to-bottom review known as the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP.

“Throughout our review, we have learned that SNAP, along with recipient needs, vary from state-to-state, sometimes even within a state. While the federal government has developed parameters for SNAP, states have access to numerous policy options, which allow them to adapt their programs to meet the needs of vulnerable citizens within their states. It is important we empower states to implement the best policies suited to address the needs of the low-income families they serve, while ensuring the integrity of SNAP is maintained. Today, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of SNAP, the different options available to states when administering the program, and where there are opportunities to make meaningful improvements. At the committee, we will continue to explore how best to leverage the relationships between states and local communities to better serve recipients and utilize taxpayer dollars,” said Chairman K. Michael Conaway.