January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015  (202) 225-2171
Chairman Conaway statement on upcoming release of 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Today, Rep. K. Michael Conaway (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, issued the following statement regarding the upcoming release of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). The guidelines are scheduled to be released January 7, 2016 at 7:00 a.m.

“The House Agriculture Committee has been actively engaged in the oversight of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans process by raising concerns of the actions taken by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to develop these guidelines. The federal dietary guidelines directly affect each and every American and are intended to help individuals make educated food purchasing decisions to live a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, they should be based on sound, consistent, and irrefutable science. At this point, neither USDA nor HHS have been available to provide a briefing for members of Congress on the content of these new guidelines. I am eager to review the new guidelines and hopeful that I will see evidence that the various concerns raised by the committee have been addressed.”

House Committee on Agriculture
1301 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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