Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – 10:00 AM ET 1300 Longworth
Washington, D.C.
Full Committee on Agriculture RE: “The CFTC at 50: Examining the Past and Future of Commodity Markets”
Mr. Charlie Carey, Chairman, Commodity Markets Council, Chicago, IL. Dr. Richard L. Sandor, Chairman and CEO, Environmental Financial Products, LLC, Aaron Director Lecturer in Law & Economics, University of Chicago Law School, Sarasota, FL. Mr. Dave Schryver, President and CEO, The American Public Gas Association, Washington, DC. Mrs. De’Ana Dow, Partner and General Counsel, Capitol Counsel, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD. Mr. Thomas W. Sexton, President and CEO, National Futures Association, Wilmette, IL. The Honorable J. Christopher Giancarlo, Former Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Haworth, NJ.