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Press Releases

Lucas to Chair Agriculture Committee in Next Congress

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Rep. Frank Lucas of Oklahoma issued the following statement after his colleagues in the House Republican Conference elected him to serve as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee in the 112th Congress. "It is an honor to continue in this leadership role of the Agriculture Committee where I have served since I was first e...

Rural America Solutions Group Sends Follow-Up Letter to Administrator Jackson on EPA's Job-Killing Policies

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Rural America Solutions Group Sends Follow-Up Letter to Administrator Jackson on EPA's Job-Killing Policies House Rural America Solutions Group Co-chairs, Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK), Small Business Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO) and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hasti...

Forum Panelists Overwhelmingly Say EPA's Policies Are Hurting Jobs, Economy in Rural America

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 The Rural America Solutions Group, co-chaired by Rep. Frank Lucas, Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, concluded a forum yesterday aimed at highlighting the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) massive effort to implement and propose unprecedented, overreaching, and burdensome regulations. Seven panelists fr...

Forum Examines Impact of Job-Killing EPA Regulations on Rural America

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Forum Examines Impact of Job-Killing EPA Regulations on Rural America Representatives Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Doc Hastings (R-WA), Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group, hosted a forum today entitled, “The EPA’s Assault on Rural America: How New Regulations and Proposed Legislation are Stifling Job...

Lucas and House Members Tell Obama's EPA No More Burdensome Regulations

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Today, Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK) along with his House Agriculture Committee colleague Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urging it to refrain from imposing burdensome farm dust regulations on America's farmers and ranchers. Rep. Lummis spearheaded the effort and the l...

Lucas Disappointed in USDA's Announced Details for Lincoln's Disaster Aid Package

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Ranking Member Frank Lucas issued the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced details regarding disaster assistance funding. "This disaster program clearly picks winners and losers with little justification. Rahm Emanuel and his Chicago-style politics have obviously overridden any c...

Lucas Introduces Bill to Protect Ag Producers on from Threat of More EPA Regs

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Today, Ranking Member Frank Lucas, along with six of his colleagues on the House Agriculture Committee, introduced a bill (H.R. 6087), which clarifies that the use of a pesticide consistent with its registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) should not be subject to a costly, redundant,...

Lucas & House Republican Conferees Urge Senate Republicans to Oppose Derivatives Provision in Dodd-Frank Bill

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Today, Ranking Member Frank Lucas along with House Republican Conferees urged Senate Republicans to oppose the derivatives provision the Democrats added to H.R. 4173 in the middle of the night during the final conference meeting. As some press reports indicate, end users will face substantial costs related to this provision. ...

Lucas Praises Rooney's Attempts to Improve Cuba Travel Bill

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Today, Ranking Member Frank Lucas praised Rep. Tom Rooney of Florida for his efforts during the full Agriculture Committee's markup of H.R. 4645, The Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act. Rep. Rooney offered two amendments to the bill, one of which was a bipartisan amendment that was cosponsored by Rep. Joe Ba...

Rural America Solutions Group Co-Chairs Call for Committee Hearings on Federal Power Grab of Clean Water Act

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MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184 Today, Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO) and Doc Hastings (R-WA) sent a letter to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar, Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson, Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez and Natural Resources Com...