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Ag districts maintain representation with new House Ag GOP additions

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Agri-Pulse By Spencer Chase Seven Republicans are joining the House Agriculture Committee this year, three of whom — Randy Feenstra of Iowa, Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota and Tracy Mann of Kansas — represent some of the top ag districts in the country. Feenstra’s Iowa district was represented on the committee by Steve King until he was stripped of committee assignments in 2019. Mann’s Kansas dis...

A Food Fight Worth Having

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By WSJ Editorial Board An old line from writer P.J. O’Rourke is that the two most terrifying words in Washington are “bipartisan consensus,” and the Senate farm bill looks like a classic example. Before it went on its Fourth of July recess the Senate whooped through, 86-11, a farm bill whose only imagined virtue is broad support from both parties. At least there’s still a chance to improve the fin...

House Farm Bill Makes Good on Promise of American Dream

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Townhall By Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11), Chairman House Agriculture Committee and Tarren Bragdon, CEO and president of the Foundation for Government Accountability The American Dream, that anyone who works hard enough can create a good life for themselves and their families, is part of our nation’s DNA. Our parents and grandparents believed in it—many of them lived it. Our Founding Fathers believed ...

Everyone agrees SNAP is failing the poor. Who's going to fix it?

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Washington Examiner By Mattie Duppler, President, Forward Strategies and Visiting Fellow, Independent Women's Forum The House of Representatives is expected to take up the 2018 Farm Bill this week, one of the outstanding big ticket items Congress must contemplate before the end of the year. A curious Beltway quirk is that the farm bill has actually very little to do with farming. In fact, an overw...

These historic investments in nutrition assistance will change lives

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Penn Live By Vice Chairman, Nutrition Subcommittee Chairman Glenn 'GT' Thompson (PA-5) When my wife, Penny, and I were just starting out in the early 1980s, like many young couples, we struggled to make ends meet. I was working full-time with individuals who were facing life-changing disease and disability on an annual salary of less than $9,000. When Penny was an expectant mother, we relied upon ...

Chairman Conaway Delivers Remarks at AEI on SNAP

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This morning, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (TX-11) discussed the proposed improvements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) within the Agriculture and Nutrition Act (H.R. 2) at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Video and comments from Chairman Conaway below: Chairman Conaway's opening remarks: Well thanks everybody. Robert, thanks for having me this m...

Let’s Update the Farm Bill to Help Lift Americans Out of Poverty

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Black Press USA By Harry Alford, President and CEO National Black Chamber of Commerce, and Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11), House Agriculture Committee Chairman From 2012 to 2015 African American-owned businesses across the U.S. grew from 1.9 million to 2.6 million. As the economy continues growing, these numbers are only expected to increase, but our nation’s Black businesses face a host of challenges...

How Obama and State Officials Swelled Food Stamp Rolls

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LifeZette By Brendan Kirby Enrollment in the food stamp program ballooned during President Barack Obama’s eight years in the Oval Office, but the hemorrhaging economy he inherited in 2009 was only part of the reason. Government documents and interviews with elected officials and legal experts indicate that the Obama administration and many state governments used a variety of loopholes and gimmicks...

Rep. Jodey Arrington Delivers Passionate Remarks on the House Floor on SNAP in 2018 Farm Bill

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Today, House Agriculture Committee member, Rep. Jodey Arrington (TX-19) took to the House Floor to highlight the positive changes included in the 2018 Farm Bill to provide Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients with opportunities to improve their futures through investments in education and training. Rep. Arrington's remarks: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the gentleman,...

Chairman Conaway Talks SNAP and Farm Bill on Adams on Agriculture

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Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (TX-11) joined Mike Adams on his radio show, Adams on Agriculture, to discuss the 2018 Farm Bill. Highlights from the interview and audio from the interview are included below. Chairman Conaway said [in part]: On bringing Democrats back to the table: I’m hopeful that the more questions that get answered, the more opportunities that we have t...