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ICYMI: Conaway: Agriculture Secretary Can Relieve Crisis in Cotton Country

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AgWeb By Chairman K. Michael Conaway Cotton farmers in America are facing a crisis. Extreme drought, predatory trade practices by countries like China and India, and the lack of a viable safety net are threatening the livelihoods of thousands of American farm families. While the general farm economy is experiencing the largest three-year percentage decline in net farm income since the Great Depres...

A Salute to our Nation's Veterans

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Today our nation recognizes the more than 25 million veterans who have worn the uniform and upheld their oath to defend America with honor and integrity. On November 11, 1918, the Allied Powers and Germany signed an armistice that ended World War I. To commemorate the war’s end, President Woodrow Wilson declared that November 11should be remembered as Armistice Day – a holiday to honor the brave ...

ICYMI: The Science in Our Diet

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U.S. News & World Report By Chairman K. Michael Conaway As chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, a consumer and a father, it is important that guidance that comes out of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans report is based on sound, consistent, irrefutable science. This government document is not only a recommendation for the American people to guide healthy food purchasing decision...

ICYMI: Support Grows for H.R. 1599

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Today, nearly 500 organizations and associations, part of the Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food, sent a letter to Congress urging members to support H.R. 1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. Last week the House Agriculture Committee passed the bipartisan bill by voice vote and it is expected to be voted on by the House later this week.

Country of Origin Labeling: All Cost, No Benefit

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By Rep. K. Michael Conaway Via Roll Call The World Trade Organization ruled against the U.S. for the fourth and final time in an ongoing dispute between the United States, Canada and Mexico regarding the U.S. country of origin labeling (COOL) program. Retaliation by Canada and Mexico will soon become a reality, meaning economically devastating tariffs on a broad spectrum of U.S. exports, from meat...