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Country of Origin Labeling

House Agriculture Committee Passes Voluntary COOL Legislation: 350 Organizations Support Bill

| Posted in Press Releases

- The House Agriculture Committee today mark ed-up voluntary country-of-origin labeling legislation introduced by the Chairman earlier this summer. There were several amendments offered during the mark-up, but none failed to garner sufficient votes, failing by wide margins. Most notably, a substitute amendment to modify the current mandatory law was defeated by a vote of 32-16. The "Food Promotio...

Goodlatte and Stenhold Introduce Voluntary COOL Legislation: More Than 300 Organizations Support Bill

| Posted in Press Releases

Washington , DC -At a press conference this morning, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Ranking Member Charlie Stenholm, announced introduction of voluntary country-of-origin labeling legislation. Upon introduction, the bill had 13 additional cosponsors. The "Food Promotion Act of 2004," will amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to...