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Lucas Statement on Ryan's Proposed Budget Plan

Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement regarding Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's fiscal year 2014 budget resolution.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement regarding Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's fiscal year 2014 budget resolution.

"A fundamental part of governing entails writing and passing a budget.  I applaud Chairman Ryan for once again demonstrating an ability to lead by producing a budget – and one that balances in 10 years.  This is in sharp contrast to our Democratic counterparts in the Senate who have not produced a plan in four years and President Obama who has yet to submit a budget proposal this year.   

"The House Agriculture Committee remains committed to being a part of the solution in addressing our nation’s debt crisis.  Last year, we developed a reform-minded, fiscally responsible farm bill that contributed to deficit reduction and we will continue on that same course this year.  We will consider the suggestions contained in Chairman Ryan’s budget, as is customary for the Agriculture Committee to consider a variety of viewpoints when crafting comprehensive legislation."   
