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Press Releases

Lucas Statement on Sommers Departure

Chairman Frank Lucas released the following statement in response to the announcement by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) that Commissioner Jill Sommers will be leaving the agency this year.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, Chairman Frank Lucas released the following statement in response to the announcement by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) that Commissioner Jill Sommers will be leaving the agency this year.

"Jill Sommers has been a voice of reason during a pivotal time in CFTC’s history and I am grateful for her service.  She has advocated for a balanced approach to regulatory reform in the U.S. that is reasonable, thoughtful, and not disruptive to global markets.  I appreciate her leadership in investigating the failure of MF Global and hope the Commission will continue her efforts when she leaves.  And, her work as Chairman of the agency’s Global Markets Advisory Committee has highlighted the importance of the U.S. coordinating its reforms with the global community. 

"In short, Jill is a friend of agriculture.  Although I wish her well in all of her future endeavors, I can say with certainty she will be missed."
