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Lucas Announces GOP Roster for Agriculture Committee

Chairman Frank Lucas announced the complete list of Republican members who will serve on the House Agriculture Committee in the 113th Congress.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, Chairman Frank Lucas announced the complete list of Republican members who will serve on the House Agriculture Committee in the 113th Congress.

Republican members are listed below:

  • Rep. Frank Lucas, (OK), Chairman
  • Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA), Vice Chairman
  • Rep. Steve King (IA)
  • Rep. Randy Neugebauer (TX)
  • Rep. Mike Rogers (AL)
  • Rep. K. Michael Conaway (TX)
  • Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA)
  • Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH)
  • Rep. Austin Scott (GA)
  • Rep. Scott Tipton (CO)
  • Rep. Steve Southerland (FL)
  • Rep. Rick Crawford (AR)
  • Rep. Martha Roby (AL)
  • Rep. Scott DesJarlais (TN)
  • Rep. Chris Gibson (NY)
  • Rep. Vicky Hartzler (MO)
  • Rep. Reid Ribble (WI)
  • Rep. Kristi Noem (SD)
  • Rep. Dan Benishek (MI)
  • Rep. Jeff Denham (CA)
  • Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA)
  • Rep. Richard Hudson (NC)
  • Rep. Rodney Davis (IL)
  • Rep. Chris Collins (NY)
  • Rep. Ted Yoho (FL)

(Note: A final committee membership list will be announced when available.)
