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Lucas Announces New GOP Members to Serve on the Agriculture Committee

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas announced the new Republican Members who are expected to serve on the Committee in the 113th Congress.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas announced the new Republican Members who are expected to serve on the Committee in the 113th Congress. The list has been recommended by the Republican Steering Committee and is expected to be officially adopted in January by the Republican Conference and the House.

"I am pleased to welcome our new Republican Members to the House Agriculture Committee. I look forward to working with all of them in the next Congress as we continue to ensure the health and vitality of production agriculture and rural economies," said Chairman Frank Lucas.

New Members joining the Committee: (in alphabetical order)

· Dan Benishek (MI-1)

· Chris Collins (NY-27)

· Rodney Davis (IL-13)

· Jeff Denham (CA-19)

· Richard Hudson (NC-8)

· Doug LaMalfa (CA-1)

· Ted Yoho (FL-3)

· Vacancy
