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Lucas Statement on Ryan's Proposed Budget Plan

Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement regarding Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement regarding Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution.

"I commend Chairman Ryan for taking the first serious step in reining in our deficit.  Unfortunately, the President’s budget made it clear the President is not ready to participate, much less lead, in dealing with this serious issue.  The House Budget Committee has outlined a plan that may shock some, but this only illustrates the deep hole we are in.  While I might not agree with every proposed cut, we are well past the point where trillion-dollar deficits can be ignored.  I am glad that we are finally having a serious dialogue about our nation’s fiscal crisis.  As for the policy suggestions that Chairman Ryan or the President use to reach the numbers they put in their budgets, they are simply suggestions.  At the end of the day, Members of the House Agriculture Committee and I will write the next farm bill," said Chairman Frank Lucas.
