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Lucas Disappointed in USDA's Announced Details for Lincoln's Disaster Aid Package

Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184

Ranking Member Frank Lucas issued the following statement today after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced details regarding disaster assistance funding.

"This disaster program clearly picks winners and losers with little justification.  Rahm Emanuel and his Chicago-style politics have obviously overridden any common sense, legal precedent, or fiscal restraint at the Agriculture Department.  The justification for this to be limited to flood or excessive rain declarations and to certain commodities amounts to rewarding farmers who happen to live in certain states and grow certain commodities. 
"From the beginning, I questioned whether USDA had the legal authority to do this and I stand by that.  It also makes a complete mockery of the Secretary’s declaration to control spending.  I call on Chairman Peterson to have immediate hearings to fully detail the precedent this sets.” said Ranking Member Frank Lucas.