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Agriculture Committee Republicans Expand Online Presence

Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184

Today, the House Committee on Agriculture Republicans unveiled the redesign of their committee website and announced the launch of their new Facebook and YouTube pages. Ranking Republican Frank Lucas issued the following statement.

“I am pleased to announce the redesign of our website and the launch of our Facebook and YouTube pages. It is important that the Agriculture Committee uses the latest technology available to stay connected with its constituents in the countryside. I hope these tools will be an effective way of reaching out to those who live and work in rural America and informing them about the issues that directly impact them such as cap and trade legislation, food safety, and farm bill implementation.

“I also hope these online tools will provide folks with a way to communicate their concerns about agriculture policy to Committee members. I invite you to visit our website and online resources often, take advantage of the information available, and provide feedback on the work the Agriculture Committee is doing on behalf of farmers, ranchers, and rural Americans.”

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