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Lucas Debates Dingell-Waxman Bill on the House Floor

Says the real losers today are our farmers, ranchers, and consumers

Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184

"Let me begin by saying that I believe our nation has the safest food supply in the world. I also believe we must continually examine our food production and regulatory system and look for ways to improve food safety.

"However, the bill before us today does little to accomplish the goal of enhancing food safety. One glaring example is the fact that the authors of this legislation did not require the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to spend one additional penny on the inspection of food.

"The bill before us today is the product of a flawed process. This is just another expansion of federal power without the benefit of careful consideration. It is what we have come to expect from the Democratic leadership of the 111th Congress. We can point to the stimulus package, cap and trade, and soon the health care bill as examples of a blatant disregard for the legislative process and for the American people for whom we work. As of last night, no one had seen a copy of this bill.

"It is tragic that, despite a clear jurisdictional claim, the Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee did not demand the bill be referred, conduct hearings on its provisions, and work its will to make improvements. But, this is not a matter of jurisdiction between two committees. The real losers today are our farmers, ranchers, and consumers," said Ranking Member Frank Lucas.