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A Coalition of Agriculture Groups Oppose Cap & Trade Bill

23 groups so far have written letters to Congress voicing concerns

Tamara Hinton (202) 225-0184

A growing list of agriculture groups have sent letters to Congress expressing opposition to or serious concerns about the Waxman/Markey climate change and energy legislation (H.R. 2454). And, according to a New York Times article today, no large agriculture industry groups have endorsed the bill. The bill is beingconsidered by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. It has been referred to eight other committees for review and consideration, including the Agriculture Committee.

“As it becomes clearer the extent of damage this bill will cause to agriculture without providing any benefits, more and more farm groups are writing to encourage their Members of Congress to oppose this bill,” said Ranking Member Frank Lucas.

A complete list of the agriculture groups opposed to the bill is included below.

American Farm Bureau Federation Texas Farm Bureau
National Corn Growers Association North Dakota Grain Growers Association
National Chicken Council North Dakota Farm Bureau
National Turkey Federation Northern Canola Growers Association
United Egg Producers AmeriFlax
American Farmers & Ranchers North Dakota Stockmen’s Association
The Fertilizer Institute North Dakota Grain Dealers Association
Ohio Corn Growers Association North Dakota Soybean Growers Association
Ohio Wheat Growers Association Northern Pulse Growers Association
Ohio Poultry Association North Dakota Wheat Commission
Ohio Farm Bureau North Dakota Barley Council
Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers Association
Texas Farm Bureau
North Dakota Grain Growers Association
North Dakota Farm Bureau
Northern Canola Growers Association
North Dakota Stockmen’s Association
North Dakota Grain Dealers Association
North Dakota Soybean Growers Association
Northern Pulse Growers Association
North Dakota Wheat Commission
North Dakota Barley Council