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House Agriculture Committee Kicks Off Farm Bill Drafting Process

Today, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson, along with Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte and other members of the Committee, held a press conference to outline the first steps in the development of the 2007 Farm Bill.

The Agriculture Committee will begin subcommittee markups for the Farm Bill during the week of May 21. Each subcommittee will conduct markups on the Farm Bill titles under its jurisdiction. The markups will continue in June, following the Memorial Day recess.

The Farm Bill is major legislation that authorizes government commodity support, agricultural trade, marketing, food assistance, and rural development programs over several years. The current farm bill was written in 2002, and many of the provisions in that bill will expire in September of 2007.

“We are beginning a bipartisan, open and public process to create a Farm Bill that will address the changing landscape of our nation’s agricultural economy. We understand how important it is for farmers, ranchers and consumers that we all work together and get this farm policy right,” Chairman Peterson said. “Our goal is to develop a Farm Bill that has effective policies for supporting farm income, resource conservation, rural economic development, a healthy fruit and vegetable sector, feeding and nutrition programs, and energy independence.”

A preliminary discussion draft for the conservation title of the Farm Bill was released today. Additional preliminary discussion drafts will be posted on the Agriculture Committee website as they become available.

The Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research will hold a markup on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. in 1300 Longworth House Office Building. On Thursday, May 24, the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry will hold a markup on Farm Bill issues under their jurisdiction.

All markups will be broadcast live on the House Agriculture Committee’s website.
