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House Agriculture Committee Members Select Subcommittee Leaders and Assignments

The Democratic Members of the House Agriculture Committee met today to select the Subcommittee Chairmen and Members who will serve on each Subcommittee during the 110th Congress.

Following the meeting, Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin C. Peterson (MN) announced that he has appointed Congressman Tim Holden (PA) to serve at the Vice Chairman of the Committee.

Chairman Peterson also announced the following list of Subcommittees, their Chairmen, Democratic Members and areas of jurisdictions.

Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Tim Holden
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives Stephanie Herseth (SD), Henry Cuellar (TX), Jim Costa (CA), Brad Ellsworth (IN), Zack Space (OH), Tim Walz (MN), David Scott (GA), John Salazar (CO), Nancy Boyda (KS), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Dennis Cardoza (CA), Leonard Boswell (IA), and Steve Kagen (WI).
Jurisdiction: Soil, water, and resource conservation, small watershed program, energy and biobased energy production, rural electrification, agricultural credit, and agricultural research, education and extension services.

Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Joe Baca (CA)
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives Earl Pomeroy (ND), Lincoln Davis (TN), Nick Lampson (TX), Steve Kagen, and Nancy Boyda
Jurisdiction: Agency oversight, review and analysis, special investigations, food stamps, nutrition and consumer programs, forestry in general, and forest reserves other than those created from the public domain.

Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Bob Etheridge (NC)
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives David Scott, Jim Marshall (GA), John Salazar, Nancy Boyda, Stephanie Herseth, Brad Ellsworth, Zack Space, Tim Walz, and Earl Pomeroy.
Jurisdiction: Program and markets related to cotton, cottonseed, wheat, feed grains, soybeans, oilseeds, rice, dry beans, peas, lentils, the Commodity Credit Corporation, crop insurance, and commodity exchanges.

Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Dennis Cardoza
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives Bob Etheridge, Lincoln Davis, Tim Mahoney (FL), John Barrow (GA), and Kirsten Gillibrand.
Jurisdiction: Fruits and vegetables, honey and bees, marketing and promotion orders, plant pesticides, quarantine, adulteration of seeds, and insect pests, and organic agriculture.

Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Leonard Boswell
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives Kirsten Gillibrand, Steve Kagen, Tim Holden, Joe Baca, Dennis Cardoza, Nick Lampson, Joe Donnelly (IN), Jim Costa, and Tim Mahoney.
Jurisdiction: Livestock, dairy, poultry, meat, seafood and seafood products, inspection, marketing, and promotion of such commodities, aquaculture, animal welfare, and grazing.

Subcommittee on Specialty Crops, Rural Development and Foreign Agriculture
Subcommittee Chairman: Representative Mike McIntyre (NC)
Subcommittee Members (majority only): Representatives Jim Marshall, Henry Cuellar, John Salazar, John Barrow, and Earl Pomeroy
Jurisdiction: Peanuts, sugar, tobacco, marketing orders relating to such commodities, rural development, farm security and family farming matters, biotechnology, foreign agricultural assistance, and trade promotion programs, generally.

Chairman Peterson is an ex officio member of all subcommittees.
