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Press Releases

Goodlatte Comments on Japan's Announcement to Resume Beef Trade

Chairman Bob Goodlatte issued the following statement regarding Japan’s announcement to resume beef trade with the U.S.:

“Japan’s announcement earlier this morning to resume beef trade with the U.S. is welcome news to U.S. beef producers. I am pleased that the Japanese government has taken the necessary steps reopen their markets to U.S. beef products. Consumers world-wide enjoy U.S. beef products because they are high quality, safe and affordable. Now, Japanese consumers will have the option to choose U.S. beef and it is a long time coming.

“We have long encouraged our trading partners to take a science-based approach in their trading policies and I hope that, in the future, the Japanese government will follow the science. This is a positive step toward normalizing trade and regaining market access for our producers.

“Since the Japanese closed their market to U.S. beef in 2003, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns and the U.S. Trade Representative have worked hard to regain access to the Japanese market. I applaud the coordinated efforts of President Bush and his team including the Agriculture Secretary and Ambassador Susan Schwab, as well as our industry partners. They have exhibited patience and perseverance in working with the Japanese government and I thank them for their continued efforts.”

