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Press Releases

President's Budget Maintains $73.5 Billion Farm Bill Commitment

Ag Chairman Combest notes USDA support for House funding approach

February 4, 2002 -- House Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Combest (R-Texas) welcomed the President's strong commitment to full farm bill funding in the coming year's budget proposal released Monday. In particular, Ag Chairman Combest noted the President's Budget tracks the House-passed farm bill funding approach of consistent levels of support that will equal the ten-year, $73.5 billion increased commitment. The President's budget rejects front-loading funding in the first five years that would shortchange the remaining five-year farm bill commitment.

"President Bush has stood by his commitment to agriculture in his budget, and he makes clear that the next farm bill will not be shortchanged, front-loaded or mortgaged against the full ten years of funding. Farmers can be assured that both the House farm bill and the President's Budget call for consistent funding – whether that seed money comes in a ten-pound sack or two five-pound bags, it will be all there," said Combest. "It is my hope that the President's budget will expedite the new farm bill."

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