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Press Releases

Members to Hold Press Conference Announcing Introduction of Herger's Qunicy Library Group Forest Health Bill

Members of Congress dedicated to finding proactive, cooperative measures to improve forest health will hold a press conference on Thursday, February 27 to announce the introduction of the Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery and Economic Stability Act of 1997.

The bill, to be introduced by Rep. Wally Herger (R-CA), establishes a five year pilot project to test innovative approaches to forest management proposed by the Quincy Library Group, a community-based coalition of environmentalists, the forest products industry, and local elected officials in Northern California.

Oregon Congressman Bob Smith, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and an original cosponsor of the Quincy Library Group Bill, has indicated that forestry will be one of the Committee's highest priorities in the 105th Congress.

"I strongly support the bill and particularly the cooperative effort by such diverse interests. We can manage the forests to reduce fuel loads, protect and enhance forest health, and provide for economic activity in our communities, but it takes a cooperative, proactive effort. The Quincy Library Group is just that," Smith said.

Particulars of the press conference, which will be attended by members of both the Agriculture and Resources Committees, are as follows:

Thursday, February 27, 1997

10:00 a.m.

1300 Longworth Building

House Committee on Agriculture

U.S. House of Representatives
