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Conaway responds to ERS annual report on food security in the U.S.

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. K. Michael Conaway (R-TX), Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, issued a statement in response to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) annual report on food security in the United States.

“I’m disappointed by the findings in today’s report which revealed essentially no progress has been made in decreasing food insecurity for American families over the past year. Though there have been dramatic increases in government spending on SNAP and related programs, these numbers are a strong indication that additional resources have simply produced stagnant results, and by in large haven’t helped families improve their overall stability. Both the American taxpayer and program recipients deserve better than for policy makers to continue pushing forward the status quo. That’s why the Agriculture Committee’s hearing series on SNAP is so vitally important. We need to continue to dig into the program and find what is working, what isn’t working, and ensure that we maximize taxpayer dollars and the positive impact on program recipients. Programs like SNAP should serve as a tool to help individuals improve their financial situation, not a hindrance, and the committee will continue its work to find ways to strengthen this program.”