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Appeals Court halts EPA's WOTUS rule

Washington, D.C. - Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (R-TX) issued the following statement today after the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati put a halt to the Obama Administration’s WOTUS rule nationwide.

“This is a tremendous victory for agriculture and the 18 states that challenged the EPA on its egregious power grab. I have vocalized my concerns since the EPA and Army Corps first proposed this rule, knowing that farmers and ranchers – the best and original stewards of our nation’s land and water – would suffer dire consequences if the agencies pushed forward without consulting the very people the rule would affect. I am encouraged by the court’s decision to stay this rule and the court’s acknowledgment that the states have demonstrated a substantial possibility of success on the merits of their claims against the EPA. As the states continue challenging the rule, we will continue with our efforts in Congress to defeat the implementation of WOTUS,” said Conaway.