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House Agriculture Committee Approves Budget Letter Amidst Bleak Economic Outlook in Farm Country

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House Committee on Agriculture sent its Budget Views and Estimates Letter for Fiscal Year 2018 to the House Budget Committee.

In the letter, Committee members urged Budget Committee Chairman Diane Black to consider the estimated $104 billion in savings from the current farm bill, more than four times what had previously been pledged, and the fact that these savings are being achieved amidst a bleak, and worsening, economic outlook in farm country.

At the business meeting, House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway stated, “We do not yet know what resources we will need to write an effective, new farm bill. But, what we do know is that our Committee has more than demonstrated our fiscal bona fides, and we have earned the budget flexibility that may be necessary to craft and enact into law the 2018 Farm Bill.”