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Subcommittee Continues Examination of Farm Policy

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Rick Crawford (AR-1), Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management, held a hearing to further examine the effectiveness of farm policy in advance of crafting the next farm bill. Members of the committee heard from witnesses who shared the perspectives of the cotton, rice, peanut, canola, and sugar industries on the importance of both commodity policy and crop insurance. This hearing continues the committee’s hearing series to set the stage for the next farm bill.

“Under current conditions, the farm bill is being tested. With net farm income down for the fourth year in a row, it is critical we get farm policy right for farmers and ranchers. We must be mindful of the challenges all of our producers are facing when crafting the next farm bill,” said Subcommittee Chairman Crawford.

“Between disasters caused by Mother Nature and the predatory trade practices of foreign governments, American farmers are often faced with challenges completely outside their control, which is exactly why sound farm policy is of critical importance. The struggles of the cotton industry provide a perfect example of why all commodities need adequate risk management tools, including both commodity policy and crop insurance, to help them weather the bad times that come their way.” said Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway