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Conaway: Agriculture Stands to Benefit from NAFTA Renegotiation

Washington, D.C.—Today, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to highlight opportunities for agriculture in the upcoming renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and members of the committee heard from various stakeholder groups on opportunities to achieve the best deal possible for American agriculture. Following the hearing, Chairman Conaway made the below remarks:

“Trade is vital to U.S. agriculture and nowhere is it more important than with our neighbors to the north and south. While I recognize there is a level of angst about renegotiating an agreement that has provided so many hard-fought gains, our nation stands to benefit from renegotiating a deal that provides additional market access and tightens trade enforcement. As the administration prepares to renegotiate NAFTA, I will continue working diligently with Amb. Lighthizer and Sec. Perdue to ensure we achieve the best deal possible for American agriculture.”