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Conaway: Tax Reform Delivers for Ag

Washington, D.C. –House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) today praised House passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1 (115), which delivers historic tax relief to families, farmers, ranchers and small businesses. Following passage, Chairman Conaway issued the below remarks: 

“Today, Congress has delivered the fairer, simpler tax code that American families and small businesses deserve. This historic tax relief package both simplifies our broken system and sets the economy on a course to stimulate growth and create jobs. As chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, I’m pleased that Chairman Brady and his team have produced a bill that acknowledges the unique tax challenges faced by those in agriculture. From lower marginal rates to the treatment of pass-through income to improved small business expensing, this bill delivers for farmers, ranchers and all rural America.”