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House Agriculture Committee Approves Budget Letter for FY2019

Washington, D.C. – Today, the House Agriculture Committee sent its budget views and estimates letter for fiscal year 2019 to the House Budget Committee. Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) offered the below remarks:

“Our committee is writing a farm bill under significantly different circumstances than it was four years ago - prices were high and the farm economy was strong. Things couldn’t look more different today. Net farm income is down to the lowest level in 12 years, and high and rising foreign subsidies, tariffs and trade barriers have resulted in chronically depressed prices. In spite of these tough times in farm country, the 2014 Farm Bill is on target to save taxpayers north of $100 billion over 10 years – more than four times what was pledged. In the midst of a very tenuous agriculture economy, we need the flexibility to craft a budget-neutral farm bill that benefits producers and consumers alike.”