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Conaway Commends Trump Administration for Challenging India’s Illegal Farm Subsidies, Calls on Congress to Pass Farm Bill

Washington, D.C.- House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11), issued the following statement concerning the Trump administration’s actions to hold India accountable to its commitments under the World Trade Organization:

“India has been funneling illegal farm subsidies into its agriculture industry for too long, and it’s high time they are held accountable. I commend the Trump administration for challenging India’s under-reporting in the World Trade Organization. India is not living up to its trade commitments, but they aren’t alone. 

"The global agricultural market is awash with high and rising foreign subsidies, tariffs and trade barriers that harm America’s farmers and ranchers. Our producers are the most competitive in the world, but they are struggling to survive a five-year recession in the farm economy and a 52 percent drop in net farm income. This is due in large part to the predatory trade practices of countries that bankroll and protect their domestic production at the expense of American farmers and ranchers who play by the rules. The U.S. has among the lowest domestic supports and tariffs in the world. American farm policy is market-oriented and cost-effective, with American consumers enjoying the smallest grocery bills in the world.

“The Trump administration is doing its part to hold our trading partners accountable and to open up agricultural markets to free and fair trade. It’s time for Congress to do its part to stand by our nation’s struggling farm and ranch families by heeding President Trump’s call to pass a strong, new farm bill this year.”