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Conaway Statement on the President’s FY2020 Budget Proposal

Washington, D.C. – House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) offered the following statement on the president’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget proposal:

“I commend President Trump for proposing a budget that prioritizes our military and the safety of our nation after devastating cuts under the Obama Administration. It’s critical that we provide our servicemembers with the resources and support they need to successfully execute their missions, and the president’s budget does just that.

“In his budget, the president honors the commitments we have made to our veterans and delivers on his promise to secure our nation's borders while also allowing hard-working Americans to keep more of what they earn by requiring our nation to tighten its belt.

“On agriculture, as the president knows, the farm safety net accounts for less than a quarter of one percent—a rounding error by Washington standards. So when the chips are down we must keep our promise to farmers and ranchers and rural America made under the five-year farm bill, and I fully expect the president to be onboard.  

“I think the biggest danger facing farmers and ranchers and rural America right now is the politics being played by Democrats on passage of the USMCA—an agreement that is absolutely vital to our farmers and ranchers. I also worry that the Democrats’ socialist agenda would not only spell ruin for our farmers and ranchers but for all Americans. I will continue to oppose their radical policies and stand with the men and women of rural America.”