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Conaway Commends President for Standing by Farmers, Ranchers

Washington, D.C. — House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) issued the following statement concerning the president’s announcement of $16 billion in aid to help farmers and ranchers weather unjustified retaliatory foreign tariffs: 

"I commend President Trump for standing up for our nation’s farmers and ranchers who are struggling against six straight years of economic recession, a situation that is made even worse by unjustified retaliatory tariffs imposed by China. 

"The president is taking on a job that is long overdue: holding China and other countries to the commitments they made under trade agreements in the same way we in the United States always faithfully honor our commitments. For too long, China and other countries have used predatory trading practices, including high and rising foreign subsidies, tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers to the serious injury of U.S. farmers and ranchers and other important sectors and workers in our economy. To his credit, the president has said enough is enough. 

"Unfortunately, rather than come to the table and agree to finally level the playing field to create truly free and fair markets, some of our trading partners are doubling down, further harming American farmers and ranchers in order to force the U.S. into accepting the status quo.

"Today’s announcement of $16 billion will go a long way in helping farmers and ranchers survive another year of depressed prices caused in part by the predatory trade practices of China and others. This timely aid will serve as a critical bridge to better times. I have confidence the president will successfully negotiate a fair deal for the United States. 

"While I am concerned that House Democrats may not allow consideration of USMCA in order to deny the president a victory for farmers, ranchers and workers across our country, I remain hopeful that cynical politics will ultimately give way to doing the right thing for our nation. 

"I am eager to see all of the details in the trade aid announced today and eager to work with the president to address some key concerns of farmers and ranchers over the previous trade aid package in order to address some inequities, but today I am just grateful that the president is taking decisive action to help struggling farmers and ranchers."