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Press Releases

Conaway Commends President Trump for Aid to Farmers, Ranchers, Dairy Producers

Warns Democrats are Blocking Critical USDA Funding

Washington, D.C. -  House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) issued the following statement regarding the President’s announcement on Thursday night of COVID-19 relief to farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers and concerning the Democratic leadership blocking Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funding that would halt Farm Bill funding and further COVID-19 relief:

“I want to thank the President for his announcement of $14 billion in new aid to America’s hard working farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers. This aid is vital to helping our farm and ranch families weather the current economic storm. Sadly, the aid could have been much stronger had Congressional Democrats not blocked critical funding of the Department of Agriculture through the Commodity Credit Corporation during the CARES Act debate. Now, Democrats are trying once again to block USDA funding in the debate over the Continuing Resolution which Congress must approve this month to keep the government open. If Democrats win, they will not only cut off further COVID-19 relief to our farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers, but they will also mothball the Farm Bill’s commodity, conservation, and trade programs. Our farmers, ranchers, and dairy farmers will be without a safety net. This is unconscionable. I call on Democrats to do the right thing and fund USDA so the Department of Agriculture can help our producers."