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Conaway Commends Congressional Republican Leadership for Stopping Democrats’ Proposal to Defund Key Agricultural Programs

Washington, D.C. — Rep. K. Michael Conaway, Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, issued the following statement upon passage of the Continuing Resolution (CR) which funds the U.S. government into December and includes funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help rural America, farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers:

"Last Friday, there was a bipartisan agreement to fund ALL of the U.S. government, including USDA so they could help rural America and our farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers through some very, very difficult times.

"But, then, that deal was rescinded by Democratic leaders in Congress. Under yesterday’s House Democratic plan, rural America, farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers were excluded from help under COVID-19 relief and even from basic Farm Bill support. As the Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, I strongly opposed this deliberate, unconscionable snubbing of rural America.

“Thanks to President Trump and Republican Leaders in Congress who also strongly opposed this reckless stunt, the Democrats finally modified their funding bill to include the Department of Agriculture.

"Had Congressional Republican leadership not stepped in, USDA would have been forced to shut down critical Farm Bill programs supported by wide, bipartisan margins in both the House and the Senate. This would have hurt millions and helped nobody.

"I’m pleased that cooler heads prevailed and that USDA will now have the funds it needs to help our farmers, ranchers, and dairy producers get back on their feet.”