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Agriculture Republicans Release Fully-Offset COVID Relief and Recovery Plan

GOP Plan Addresses Provisions Critical to Rural America Disregarded by House Democrats

Washington, DC – Today, Republican Leader Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson and Republican Members of the House Agriculture Committee released a COVID Relief and Recovery Plan to address the needs of rural communities that were excluded in the House Democrats’ budget reconciliation package. The proposal will be offered as an amendment to House Democrats' American Rescue Plan. 

“It’s astounding that despite the wish list of political giveaways and excessive spending in the Pelosi Payoff, Democrats somehow managed to forget the backbone of our country: farm families and rural communities,” said Republican Leader Thompson. “This proposal is an olive branch to our Democrat colleagues from House Agriculture Republicans. When Democrats quit their power grab and stop politicizing COVID recovery, we’ll be here ready to responsibly address the critical needs of Americans without bankrupting our country." 

The Agriculture Republicans COVID Relief and Recovery Plan:

  • Includes $2.1 billion for rural hospitals, public safety facilities, and schools; 
  • Provides $1 billion in support for biofuels producers impacted by the pandemic;
  • Invests $800 million to address the urgent need of rural broadband connectivity;
  • Requires the Biden Administration to unfreeze Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments, and;
  • Reprioritizes excessive transportation grant funding for cities and invests in rural America instead. 
To read a summary of the recovery plan, click here
To read the amendment text, click here.