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Republican Leader Thompson Issues Statement on Growing Climate Solutions Act

Earlier today, the Senate passed the Growing Climate Solutions Act. This legislation proposes a certification program at USDA to mitigate technical entry barriers to farmer and forest landowner participation in carbon credit markets. Following its passage, Republican Leader of the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Glenn 'GT' Thompson, issued the following statement:

“This bill is a big-government solution in search of a problem. The consequences of government intrusion into voluntary carbon markets have not been adequately explored and Congress should continue educating itself and vetting these issues before legislating.

“As these debates continue, I invite my colleagues to learn how House Republicans are promoting real, sustainable climate solutions that empower farmers and ranchers, the original stewards of our land. Every bill introduced will reduce our carbon footprint, and increase the productivity and economic competitiveness of our farms and rural communities—all without adding more red tape.”