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Opening Statements

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn "GT" Thompson Full Committee Business Meeting: "To consider H. Res. 271, Recognizing the importance of the blueberry industry to the United States and supporting the designation of July 2021 as National Blueberry Month, and H.R. 2424, the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act”

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

I would be remiss, Mr. Chairman, if I did not express my continued disappointment in the reconciliation process, which continues to tarnish this Committee’s reputation of bipartisanship and decorum. I am also frustrated, and frankly surprised, we are here today to mark up a bill and a resolution that have nothing to do with the missing $28 billion you referenced last week. I hope you can shed some light on its status and what either the Budget or Rules Committee will be contemplating in our jurisdiction.

Mr. Chairman, I have obvious reservations about these proceedings today. On the heels of the Majority’s reconciliation shenanigans, and amid a Congress that has seen little interaction with the Administration or with issues important to production agriculture, I can only hope my calls for the Committee to fulfill its obligations have not been ignored. When we do not work together, we are doing a major disservice to the communities we represent. I again hope we can reestablish this Committee’s commitment to rural America and work to better the lives of all within it.  

My more detailed remarks will be submitted for the record.

With that, I yield back.