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Thompson: Holding China Accountable Benefits Rural Economies

Today, Republican Leader of the House Agriculture Committee, Glenn 'GT' Thompson, issued the following statement regarding Ambassador Tai’s address to the Center for Strategic & International Studies concerning the United States’ bilateral relationship with China:

"I have tremendous respect for Ambassador Tai, including her role in the development and passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. I remain hopeful she will invigorate the Biden Administration’s stagnant U.S. trade agenda, one that has settled on a never-ending stock-taking exercise rather than rolling up its sleeves and focusing on the real work of leveling the playing field. Phase I of the U.S.-China trade agreement, negotiated by the Trump Administration, has yielded a robust recovery in the U.S. agricultural economy, and I expect the Biden Administration to press China to stand by its commitments. The focus should be ensuring accountability for any unfulfilled promises while pushing to address additional barriers China maintains against our ag exports in a second phase. China must play by the rules which includes upholding its compliance with the terms of its WTO membership.”
