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Chairman Thompson Reflects on Today's Hearing on the Challenges Facing American Agriculture

Rep. Glenn "GT" Thompson, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, delivered the closing remarks below following today's full committee hearing entitled "Uncertainty, Inflation, Regulations: Challenges for American Agriculture."

"Today’s hearing has really shined a spotlight on the issues confronting producers and the entire agriculture sector from the farm to the consumer.

"Whether it is market volatility, weather risks, or wrongheaded government policy—much of which has been exacerbated by the Biden Administration—the House Committee on Agriculture has a responsibility to examine these challenges and develop responsible approaches to addressing them in the upcoming Farm Bill.

"Over the course of the next several months, the Committee will be holding numerous hearings and will be continuing our Farm Bill listening sessions at various locations across the country.

"I’d like to challenge my fellow Committee Members to be present and heavily engaged in this process.

"Getting the farm bill done right and on time will require a lot of work and attention from all of us, but we owe it to all our constituents—from producers to processors, and ultimately, to consumers—to get that policy right."
