2024 Farm Bill Receives Wide Praise from Industry and Stakeholders
May 21, 2024
2025 Farm Bill
Following the introduction of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, industry and stakeholder groups from across the country have come out in support of the legislation. Below are a sampling of quotes offering praise and support for the bill:
“We are very pleased with the Farm Bill framework released by House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson. Since 2023, Chairman Thompson has gone to great lengths to meet with America’s cattle producers in every region of the country and craft a Farm Bill that supports their unique needs. We are especially pleased by the Chairman’s focus on voluntary conservation programs that are increasingly popular with cattle producers, animal health provisions that protect the U.S. cattle herd, and investments in food security that support our broader national security,” said Ethan Lane, Vice President of Government Affairs, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. “As both committees continue their consideration of policies for the next farm bill, dairy exporters are eager to see a doubling of funding for the Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development program (FMD) to support further expansion of the sale of American-made dairy products around the world, to ensure that the bill establishes a robust new process for safeguarding common food and beverage names in international markets and to enhance USDA’s participation in the decision-making process regarding global food aid programs,” said Krysta Harden, President & CEO, U.S. Dairy Export Council. “With more than $11.5 billion in deferred maintenance, our nation’s agricultural researchers, Cooperative Extension specialists, and educators have dealt with deteriorating facilities while ensuring exceptional innovation, outreach, and education. Investment in our agricultural research facilities will ensure our nation can continue to take on the local, regional, national, and global challenges. The inclusion of the Research Facilities Act is a critical first step to ensuring the U.S. remains the world’s most innovative, productive, and vibrant agricultural sector. As Congress moves the Farm Bill forward, we urge lawmakers to advance these critical investments,” said Mark Becker, President, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. “We commend House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, R-PA, for including language in the House farm bill to restore the previous “higher of” Class I mover formula. The previous mover served dairy farmers well for decades, while the current mover has cost dairy farmers more than $1 billion in Class I skim milk revenue and continuously undermines orderly marketing of milk. We also are grateful for the inclusion of language to require mandatory manufacturing plant cost studies to help inform future discussions on make allowances, another critical component of the Federal Milk Marketing Order system. We are excited for the House’s upcoming farm bill markup and thank the members in both parties who have supported each of these priorities,” said Gregg Doud, President & CEO, National Milk Producers Federation. “Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever also acknowledge the exemplary work of House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Thompson who today introduced his framework of the 2024 Farm Bill. The overview provided by the House committee also addresses some of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s top priorities, including improved CRP incentives for marginal lands, VPA-HIP funding, and more,” said Pheasants Forever. “AFBF appreciates the work of Chairman Thompson and the entire House Agriculture Committee for its work in drafting a new, modernized farm bill. America’s farmers and ranchers need the stability that the farm bill provides so they can withstand the unforeseen challenges of growing the food, fuel and fiber America’s families rely on. Conservation and research programs help farmers protect the resources they’ve been entrusted with and enable American agriculture to remain on the forefront of innovation. Nutrition programs also give a helping hand to families struggling to make ends meet. We look forward to taking a deep dive into the House farm bill draft in advance of next week’s markup. We hope to see the Senate Agriculture Committee’s version soon so we can move forward with getting the farm bill passed. It’s too important to wait. America’s families are counting on Congress to get this done,” said Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation. “NCSL supports the language of the SNAP Staffing Flexibility Act of 2023 (H.R. 5094), which, among other things, provides states with a permanent option to use contractors rather than relying on the uncertainty of the waiver process which is currently required by USDA guidance if a state wishes to use non-merit employees. The act makes clear that such an option may only be invoked to supplement, not supplant, the state’s workforce and only when a state is unable to timely process SNAP applications which may occur as a result of a pandemic, other health emergencies, seasonal workforce cycles, temporary staffing shortages and weather or other natural disasters,” said Tim Storey, CEO, National Conference of State Legislatures. “We applaud Chairman Thompson for moving a bill forward in the that supports a robust conservation title, and we hope the committees will continue working across the aisle to achieve a bipartisan solution that ensures farmers and ranchers can feed the nation and world,” said Adam Putnam, CEO, Ducks Unlimited. “We commend Chairman Thompson’s leadership on issues crucial to the success of the nation’s corn refining industry. The Farm Bill represents a critical opportunity to advance the agriculture bioeconomy, and we look forward to working with members on both sides of the aisle to achieve bipartisan support for legislation that will move American biomanufacturing ahead,” said John Bode, CEO, Corn Refiners Association. “Consideration of a new Farm Bill comes at a vital time for the plant-based products industry, and we are pleased to see support for the bipartisan efforts to grow the sector included in Chairman Thompson's Farm Bill overview. We stand ready to work on efforts to grow the agriculture bioeconomy and advance a bipartisan Farm Bill,” said James Glueck, Executive Director, Plant Based Products Council. “It is a welcome development to see progress toward a new and improved farm bill, and we are hopeful that meaningful, bipartisan legislation will be advanced this year. Farmers face significant headwinds – including an unfavorable farm income outlook and volatility in access to export markets – and strengthening the farm bill is more important than ever,” said Josh Gackle, President, American Soybean Association. “Modern forestry is a unifying issue that brings both sides of the aisle together in support of common-sense innovations and smart policy. The forestry title of Chairman Thompson’s draft legislation bolsters strong markets for wood products that will ensure our forests can continue providing clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and good-paying rural jobs. We look forward to Congress passing a common-sense, bipartisan Farm Bill that supports the forestry sector and the rural communities it sustains,” said David Tenny, President & CEO of National Alliance of Forest Owners. “The detailed farm bill summary released today by Chairman Thompson builds on recent progress from both Chairs Thompson and Stabenow toward advancing bipartisan reforms to the U.S. sugar program. If enacted, these provisions would support American sugar production, empower USDA to nimbly respond to changing market conditions, and address persistent sugar supply imbalances that push up food prices for families across the country. AFSP applauds Chairman Thompson’s commitment to strengthening and modernizing America’s farm and food economy, and we stand ready to work with leaders in Congress to ensure that these provisions become law,” said National Confectioners Association and Alliance for Fair Sugar Policy. “The National Cotton Council applauds House Agriculture Committee Chairman Glenn “G.T.” Thompson for producing a Farm Bill that significantly increases the support levels for cotton producers, who have been weighed down by the recent rise in on-farm production costs. This legislation also gives growers more affordable options for their risk management strategies, makes important improvements in the marketing loan program, and restores critical support for our domestic textile manufacturers. The NCC urges this legislation to move forward in a bi-partisan manner with our industry committed to working with the leadership of the House and Senate to ensure final passage in 2024,” said National Cotton Council. “Every year we lose more and more intact working forests to fragmentation and conversion. Since 2007, we have lost more than 7.5 million acres. The Conservation Fund is dedicated to addressing the threat of forestland conversion and urges Congress to create FCEP to provide an important, missing conservation tool to preserve working forests. We applaud U.S. House Agriculture Committee Chairman U.S. Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, R-P.A., and Ranking Member U.S. Representative David Scott, D-G.A., for supporting FCEP. We look forward to continuing working with the House and Senate to get this pragmatic and bipartisan solution included in the Farm Bill,” said Larry Selzer, president and CEO of The Conservation Fund. “NASDA applauds Chairman Thompson for beginning the process of creating the next farm bill,” McKinney said. “With the release of the legislative text, NASDA remains committed to advocating for a bipartisan farm bill that will secure a commitment to American agriculture and the critical food and nutritional assistance programs for those who need it most. Signing a farm bill into law is vital to the food and agriculture sector which benefits our economy, accounting for roughly one-fifth of U.S. economic activity and supporting nearly 23 million jobs. We welcome the opportunity to work with the House Agriculture Committee as they begin debating the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024,” said Ted McKinney, CEO, National Association State Departments of Agriculture. “The food aid reforms included in the House farm bill ensure that more food will go directly into the bellies of hungry people around the world. In a time of such unprecedented famine emergency, we cannot imagine a higher priority than making sure we are feeding as many people as possible,” said Kim Z. Cooper, Vice President of Government Affairs, North American Millers’ Association. “The Boone and Crockett Club has a long history in forest conservation and management policy, starting with our founder Theodore Roosevelt’s efforts to create the national forest system. Private land forests provide essential wildlife habitat along with playing a critical role in natural climate solutions and yet we currently do not have a voluntary, easement-based program focused on forests. We have been strong supporters of the Forest Conservation Easement Program because it is the logical tool we need to advance forest conservation for the next generation, and we appreciate the House Agriculture Committee including it in their Farm Bill reauthorization,” said James L. Cummins, president of the Boone and Crockett Club. “The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 sends a clear message that Food for Peace should be delivering as much American grown food to as many hungry people as possible. This is a mission American wheat farmers are proud to support, and we look forward to seeing these important reforms carried through the farm bill process,” said Peter Laudeman, Director of Trade Policy, U.S. Wheat Associates "National Sorghum Producers believes addressing food insecurity in the world's most unstable regions is not only a moral duty but a practical necessity. The reforms in the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 enhance our ability to provide crucial food aid more efficiently and effectively to those who need it, and sorghum farmers stand committed to supporting these reforms as the farm bill process moves forward,” said Craig Meeker, Chairman, National Sorghum Producers. “American labor has long supported the Food for Peace program, and is proud to endorse these provisions in the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 that ensure our nation continues its leadership in the fight against global hunger,” said Mark Clements, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO. “The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) welcomes the release of proposed text for the 2024 Farm Bill, issued today by the House Agriculture Committee, and recognizes Agriculture Committee Chair G.T. Thompson (R-PA-15) for his leadership. AFFI specifically thanks Chairman Thompson for ensuring that all Americans have access to nutritious, quality food options through the inclusion of frozen fruits and vegetables in key nutrition programs,” said Alison Bodor, President & CEO, American Frozen Food Institute. “Forest conservation easements are an essential means for ensuring forests are protected for future generations. Expanding this opportunity to private and tribal landowners safeguards our working forests and enhances wildlife habitat, water supplies, continued carbon sequestration and so much more that forests provide. American Forests applauds the House Agriculture Committee for the inclusion of FCEP in their Farm Bill proposal,” said Jad Daley, President & CEO of American Forests. “USA Rice applauds Chairman G.T. Thompson and the House Agriculture Committee and supports passage of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. Numerous provisions in the bill could prove very beneficial to the U.S. rice industry, and we particularly appreciate the meaningful improvements to the farm safety net through the increased Price Loss Coverage Program rice reference price. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress in order to ultimately pass and enact a timely, bipartisan, bicameral, and highly effective farm bill,” said USA Rice. “The National Watershed Coalition (NWC) appreciates the Committee’s hard work and dedication in preparation for writing this farm bill. The Committee should be commended for listening to stakeholders in hearings across the county and in Washington, DC. The bill released by the Committee provides an unprecedented financial commitment to the Watershed Program and provides necessary reforms providing flexibility and streamlining so the program can work more effectively and efficiently in the future,” said Dan Sebert, Executive Director, National Watershed Coalition. “America’s pork producers appreciate Chairman G.T. Thompson’s willingness to listen, put pen to paper, and address the most pressing issues facing the agriculture industry across the country – a prime example of how our government should work. The inclusion of pork producers’ top priorities in the 2024 House Farm Bill is a testament to our industry’s ability to unite and speak up about our common challenges,” said Lori Stevermer, President, National Pork Producers Council. “Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) commends Chairman G.T. Thompson and his superb team at the House Agriculture Committee for producing a farm bill that meets the needs of not only farm and ranch families, but also consumers and other important stakeholders. Chairman Thompson visited many agricultural operations across Texas and held a listening session in Waco to gain knowledge of the severe challenges our farmers and ranchers are facing. It is evident the chairman and his staff have listened to our concerns, in addition to many others, and worked tirelessly to produce a farm bill proposal to directly address these challenges. The provisions included in this proposal will also strengthen national food security, which is critical to our country’s future. TFB looks forward to the committee mark-up and encourages House Ag Committee members to support this bill and pass it out of committee. Texas farmers, ranchers desperately need a new farm bill to help them continue feeding and clothing consumers worldwide,” said Russell Boening, President, Texas Farm Bureau. “TFI applauds the progress being made to introduce and pass a Farm Bill in 2024. The text released today by Ag Chairman GT Thompson contains key priorities for the industry that support efforts to encourage greater adoption of nutrient stewardship and conservation practices by growers across the country. These practices ensure our dinner tables remain full while minimizing impacts to our shared environment,” said Corey Rosenbusch, President, The Fertilizer Institute. “AFT believes that it is critical to get a Farm Bill passed in 2024 to provide farmers with the certainty they need to run viable operations and to ensure greater long-term conservation funding. AFT applauds Chair Thompson for recognizing this once-in-a-generation opportunity to build baseline for conservation with Inflation Reduction Act funding. This would ensure that more producers through future farm bills can access the support needed to protect their land and implement practices that improve their viability and resilience. This legislation would also improve the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) and the Regional Conservation Partnership (RCPP) program, especially for farm and ranch land protection, and would help additional states and Tribes launch and strengthen soil health programs,” said Tim Fink, Policy Director, American Farmland Trust. “The United States loses approximately half a million acres of privately owned forest land to development each year, at the expense of clean water, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, timber supplies and more. Land trusts are uniquely positioned to help private landowners protect and manage their forested lands while also educating the public about the benefits of forest conservation to the environment and economy. FCEP enjoys broad, bipartisan support and will allow land trusts to work with the federal government to ensure that private forests remain forests,” said Andrew Bowman, President & CEO of the Land Trust Alliance. “The Biological Products Industry Alliance (BPIA) applauds the House Committee on Agriculture for unveiling its full 2024 Farm Bill text and including regulatory reforms inspired by the Plant Biostimulant Act, H.R. 1472. These reforms, which exclude plant biostimulants from regulation under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), bring clarity and stimulate innovation in the plant biostimulant industry. “We commend the Committee’s leadership in supporting agricultural innovation. This commonsense approach aligns regulation with scientific understanding, fostering sustainable practices and benefiting growers, consumers, and the environment,” said John Dunmore, Director of Government and External Affairs, Biological Products Industry Alliance. “The National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA) strongly supports the inclusion of this new framework to strengthen health requirements to safeguard animal and public health from the risks associated with the importation of dogs into the United States,” said Patti Strand, President, National Animal Interest Alliance. “Chairman Thompson and his committee members have reversed three decades of declining investment in market access programs for American agriculture. Doubling MAP and FMD was the most requested, bipartisan Farm Bill priority from Members of the House. We are grateful to all the Republican and Democratic members who have cosponsored and requested this action. The Coalition urges the Committee and the full House of Representatives to support this investment in agricultural trade by expeditiously passing this overdue reauthorization,” said Robbie Minnich, Chairman, MAP/FMD Coalition. “We thank the House Agriculture Committee for the strengthened U.S. sugar policy contained in this bill which will help ensure that America’s more than 11,000 sugar farm families and more than 151,000 workers can continue producing an essential ingredient in our food supply, maintain resilient supply chains, and meet the needs of American families and all of our customers. Our farm families need a bipartisan, bicameral, and highly effective Farm Bill. The legislation released by Chairman Thompson is the first major step towards the enactment of the 2024 Farm Bill. We stand ready to work with Chairman Thompson and all congressional leaders to make this shared goal a reality this year. This effort, including the farm safety net features for sugar farm families in Chairman Thompson’s bill today, merits lawmakers’ strong support,” said American Sugar Alliance. “This pivotal legislation promises significant benefits for private forest landowners nationwide. We are thrilled that one of FLA’s policy priorities, the Emergency Conservation Program Improvement Act, was included in the bill's framework, alongside initiatives championed by our esteemed national partners. Nonetheless, we recognize the importance of ensuring landowners have the safety net that they currently lack in order to recover and reforest after a natural disaster,” said Craig Anderson, Director of Government Affairs, Forest Landowner’s Association. “The AKC thanks Chairman Thompson for his thoughtful approach and applauds the inclusion of many positive animal care provisions in the base text of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 and encourages unamended adoption by the Committee,” said Shelia Goffe, Vice President, American Kennel Club. “We appreciate the chairman’s robust investments in Title II and language prioritizing practices that address methane and nitrous oxide emissions in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. We hope this will lead to a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on supporting voluntary climate-smart practices through other USDA conservation programs as well. The introduction of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act is an important step toward enacting a farm bill this year, and we commend the chairman for his leadership in moving the process forward,” said the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance. “On behalf of the Almond Alliance, I am writing to express our strong support for the Farm Bill under consideration by the House Committee on Agriculture. We appreciate the Committee's dedication to addressing the challenges faced by farmers across the nation. We are confident that with your leadership, the reauthorization of the Farm Bill will provide the necessary support for the almond industry and the broader agricultural sector. The Almond Alliance stands ready to support the Committee in ensuring the success of this important legislation,” Blake Vann, Chairman, Almond Alliance. “AACI believes Chairman Thompson has put forward a strong bill for all U.S. producers, and it will also ensure crop insurance remains the backbone of the farm safety net for American agriculture. Moving forward, AACI hopes Congress will reauthorize a five-year Farm Bill and deliver a strengthened safety net with greater certainty for our stakeholders and U.S. agriculture,” said American Association of Crop Insurers. “USPF applauds the House Agriculture Committee for their diligent work and care for farmers that shows throughout this bill. We urge this legislation to move forward in a bipartisan manner and we are committed to working with the U.S. House and Senate leadership to ensure this legislation is passed this year,” said Jamie Brown, U.S. Peanut Federation. “Family farmers and ranchers need a strong farm safety net and opportunities for the next generation. We thank Chairman Thompson for today’s progress toward a new five-year farm bill that can achieve those goals,” said Rob Larew, President, National Farmers Union. “From filtering drinking water, providing habitat for wildlife, buffering flood waters and sequestering carbon, to providing much-needed forest products and jobs, forests are an essential part of the fabric of America. The Forest Conservation Easement Program will help preserve forests for future generations to enjoy,” said Camille Green, Conservation Policy Coordinator, Wildlife Mississippi. “We are particularly encouraged by the significant improvements in oversight and accountability for the Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program (SNAP) found in Title IV. We are hopeful that bipartisan collaboration will continue to strengthen SNAP, ensuring it is protected from fraud, waste, and abuse,” said Carrol Christian, President, United Council on Welfare Fraud. “NACD appreciates the inclusion of many of our priorities in this legislation and we look forward to working with you in a bipartisan and bicameral manner to support the timely passage of farm bill that bolsters American agriculture and locally led conservation in every part of the country,” said Kim LaFleur, President, National Association of Conservation Districts. “Informed by its members' unique scientific training and knowledge, the AVMA offers strong support for Section 12007 of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, which protects veterinarians' freedom and flexibility to provide the best care for farm animals,” said American Veterinary Medical Association. “This step is important progress to ensure America’s producers have the safety net needed while also investing in the voluntary, incentive-based conservation programs that are so crucial for the future of ducks and duck hunters,” said John Devney, Chief Policy Officer, Delta Waterfowl. “The Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau (CIRB) greatly appreciates the hard work that has gone into this critical first step in the farm bill process. We are especially pleased to see investments made to improve the farmer experience. The improvements made to the affordability of crop insurance, particularly for beginning and veteran farmers and ranchers, will increase affordability for the future generation of farmers and ranchers, while provisions such as the inflation adjustment for administrative and operating expenses will ultimately help the private sector continue to deliver gold-star service to farmers. These improvements get at the heart of our mission - to deliver more policies to more farmers in more regions of the country in an efficient and sustainable manner. Crop insurance is the cornerstone of risk management for America's farmers and ranchers, and we look forward to working with both sides of the aisle and Capitol to protect and further improve the program through the farm bill process,” said Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau. “The SWCA is very grateful to House Agriculture Committee Chairman G.T. Thompson for his proposal that represents the most meaningful improvements to the Farm Bill safety net for farm and ranch families across the country in more than 20 years,” said Jim Sugarek, President, Southwest Council of Agribusiness. “The Supreme Court’s opinion clearly stated only Congress can intervene. It is critical Congress assert its constitutional authority to protect the freedom of veterinarians to maximize animal health and welfare,” said Harry Nelson, DVM, Executive Director, American Association of Swine Veterinarians. “The U.S. Canola Association (USCA) greatly appreciates Chairman Thompson’s proposed Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. The Chairman’s proposal provides the most significant improvements to the farm safety net in decades, including provisions to strengthen the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) programs, enhancing crop insurance options, and much needed investments for agriculture research facilities. The USCA commends Chairman Thompson for his efforts to balance the many important needs encompassed in the Farm Bill and we look forward to working with him to achieve the bipartisan support needed to get a strong Farm Bill enacted in 2024,” said Tim Mickelson, President, U.S. Canola Association. “Voluntary conservation agreements are proven tools for conserving forests. We are thankful that Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus Member and Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee Rep. GT Thompson included the Forest Conservation Easement Program in the Farm Bill to provide additional incentives for landowners to conserve working forests and thereby support habitat for fish and wildlife and our outdoor sporting traditions that depend on healthy habitats to provide quality experiences for sportsmen and women,” said Jeff Crane, president and CEO of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “This text from the House Ag chair provides real support to our sheep producers. The text is very favorable toward the sheep industry in areas such as foreign animal disease management, drought and feed losses, foreign market development programs – which we are heavily reliant on for marketing American wool – as well as the wool marketing loan. The wool marketing loan is the only sheep-specific risk management tool that is available to American wool growers, so it’s important that the program can respond to the current wool market,” said Brad Boner, President, American Sheep Industry Association. “The American Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) strongly supports the Chairman’s mark of the farm bill and has been vocal in soliciting support for the policy iteration that your team has developed. We applaud you for your personal leadership and commitment to developing a solution that can become bipartisan and address the key shortfalls in the safety net,” said William H. “Buddy” Allen, President and CEO, American Cotton Shippers Association. “The National Barley Growers Association (NBGA) appreciates the strong Farm Bill proposal put forth by Chairman Thompson. The Chairman’s proposal provides significant improvements to the farm safety net to help farmers experiencing lower prices and higher costs, expanding base acres so more growers are covered by the farm programs, incentivizing greater crop insurance coverage, providing much needed and overdue investments for agriculture research facilities, aiding in certainty in crop protection labeling, and numerous other provisions to support farmers and consumers. The NBGA commends Chairman Thompson for his efforts to ensure that the farm safety net is not neglected and to balance the many vital programs in the Farm Bill,” said Chris Engelstad, President, National Barely Growers Association. “APSA applauds the House Agriculture Committee for their diligent work and care for farmers that shows throughout this bill. We urge this legislation to move forward in a bipartisan manner and we are committed to working with the U.S. House and Senate leadership to ensure this legislation is passed this year,” said John T. Powell, Executive Director, American Peanut Shellers Association. “The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council (USADPLC) greatly appreciates the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 put forth by Chairman Thompson. This proposal includes a significant and needed boost to Reference Prices and Marketing Assistance Loans for dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas, which protect growers of these beneficial crops in times of lower prices and higher input and borrowing costs. The proposal expands base acres which will protect more of the grower’s operation. The proposal also makes higher crop insurance coverage more accessible, provides important investments for agriculture research facilities, prioritizes U.S. commodities in the Food for Peace program, and numerous other provisions to support farmers and consumers. The USADPLC commends Chairman Thompson for his efforts, and we urge all Members of Congress to work toward a strong, bipartisan Farm Bill that can be enacted in 2024,” said USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council. “We would like to thank Chairman Thompson and the Committee for their hard work and effort in putting forward the first complete Farm Bill proposal – which is always a very heavy lift but particularly in the current environment. We greatly appreciate Chairman Thompson’s and the Committee’s leadership, and we hope that the Committee and the full House move forward with the legislation so it may be conferenced with whatever the Senate passes and enacted into law,” said Crop Insurance Professional Association. “The National Council of Textile Organizations, representing the domestic textile industry, strongly supports the Chairman’s mark of the Farm Bill and urges the House Committee on Agriculture to overwhelmingly pass the measure for full consideration on the House floor. We commend the committee for taking this important first step and the U.S. textile industry stands ready to assist in helping push this critical bill over the finish line this Congress, given the urgency facing our industry and many others. Thank you for your leadership and support,” said Kim Glas, President and CEO, National Council of Textile Organizations. “The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) is pleased to support Chairman Thompson’s efforts to pass a new five-year Farm bill out of committee this week. Passing a Farm bill this year is critical to providing much needed economic certainty for America’s agricultural industry. We are confident House and Senate agriculture committee leadership will find an agreement that works for America’s farmers and ranchers and ensure our nation’s food, fiber, and fuel continues to meet the needs of a growing population. We urge members of the House Committee on Agriculture to get this process started by passing the bill in committee,” said Agricultural Retailers Association. “NPF sincerely appreciates the hard work that went into producing the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. This legislation will support pecan producers who have struggled in recent years due to increases in farm inputs, labor shortages, trade barriers, and supply chain disruptions,” said Larry Don Womack, Chairman, National Pecan Federation. “Southern Cotton Growers applauds you each for your leadership developing the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024… Southern Cotton Growers looks forward to working with you each, as well as Committee members, to continue the progressive discussions for passage of the Act,” said Philip Edwards, President, Southern Cotton Growers. “Within your proposal, it’s clear that “putting more farm in the farm bill,” was more than a slogan. We appreciate the efforts to improve and strengthen conservation programs as well as key safety-net policies in the crop insurance and commodity titles. These enhancements are necessary to meet the economic environment of today and the needs of the future,” said Nathan B. Reed, President, Agricultural Council of Arkansas. “APPA applauds the House Agriculture Committee for their diligent work and care for farmers that shows throughout this bill. We urge this legislation to move forward in a bipartisan manner and we are committed to working with the U.S. House and Senate leadership to ensure this legislation is passed this year,” said Alabama Peanut Producers Association. "As the Committee on Agriculture approaches the legislative markup for the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) appreciates your work to support America’s farmers, rural communities, and consumers through the farm bill,” said Harold Wolle, Jr., President, National Corn Growers Association. The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) is pleased that the House of Representatives is taking the first step in the farm bill reauthorization process by introducing and scheduling a markup of the Farm, Food, and Natural Security Act of 2024. NAWG is committed to working with committee members and their staff to ensure that the bill addresses the priorities of wheat farmers and can move forward in a bipartisan fashion to allow for its ultimate passage in both chambers,” said Keeff Felty, President, National Association of Wheat Growers. “The Autauga Quality Cotton Association, a cotton marketing cooperative serving members in ten states from Texas to North Carolina, strongly supports the Chairman’s mark of the Farm Bill and urges the House Committee on Agriculture to report this legislation to the full House of Representatives by a strong bipartisan vote,” said Jeff Thompson, Executive Vice President, Autauga Quality Cotton Association. "The CWAA greatly appreciates the hard work of Chairman Thompson and the House Agriculture Committee in working to strengthen the safety net for our nation’s farm and ranch families, including meaningful improvements for our cotton producers, textile mills, warehouses, and all of the segments of the cotton industry. We hope that the Committee and the full House will move this legislation forward so it may be conferenced with a Senate Farm Bill and sent to the President for signature yet this year. U.S. agriculture could certainly use that kind of certainty amidst so much uncertainty in recent years," said Cotton Warehouse Association of America. "Farm Credit appreciates the hard work by Chairman Thompson and others to produce a Farm Bill draft that will benefit farmers, ranchers and rural communities. The Chairman’s effort is an important step toward getting a bipartisan Farm Bill adopted this year. Chairman Thompson’s draft bill includes bipartisan credit provisions that would make it simpler and less expensive for beginning farmers to get the financing they need, and for rural small businesses to attract equity capital to expand. The bill includes another bipartisan proposal to help rural communities build and improve critical community healthcare and other facilities by encouraging private sector financing partnerships between community banks and Farm Credit. We look forward to working with Democrats and Republicans in the House and the Senate as the process continues. Economic conditions in agriculture are tightening, and America's farmers and ranchers need the certainty of a full, five-year Farm Bill. We encourage all sides to find a bipartisan path toward final passage of a Farm Bill this year," said Todd Van Hoose, President & CEO, Farm Credit Council. "The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) applauds the House Agriculture Committee Majority for their work on their 2024 Farm Bill proposal and the upcoming markup. We are extremely pleased to see a strong investment in rural health including several NRHA-endorsed bills incorporated into the legislation," said National Rural Health Association. "Chairman Thompson and the Committee deserve a lot of credit for being first out of the Committee with a specific plan for a 5-year Farm Bill. We’re grateful that our nation’s peanut producers will benefit from a stronger safety net under the House legislation, alongside producers of other crops as well as livestock. We’re pleased to add our strong support to move the House Farm Bill forward. This will further encourage the Senate to act on a 5-year bill and foster a conference that will yield us a Farm Bill that Congress can overwhelmingly pass and the President can sign into law," said Western Peanut Growers Association. "The CWAA greatly appreciates the hard work of Chairman Thompson and the House Agriculture Committee in working to strengthen the safety net for our nation’s farm and ranch families, including meaningful improvements for our cotton producers, textile mills, warehouses, and all of the segments of the cotton industry. We hope that the Committee and the full House will move this legislation forward so it may be conferenced with a Senate Farm Bill and sent to the President for signature yet this year. U.S. agriculture could certainly use that kind of certainty amidst so much uncertainty in recent years," said Brett Underwood, Chairman, Cotton Warehouse Association of America. "We are grateful for the Committee’s work to solicit feedback, engage in meaningful dialogue, and draft a comprehensive farm bill that strikes a thoughtful balance between competing interests. We encourage you to maintain a strong Conservation and Forestry Title, namely the Forest Conservation Easement Program and language reversing the Cottonwood decision, as this bill moves through the legislative process and stand ready to assist you in this effort," said Ryan Bronson, Director of Government Affairs, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. |