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Committee Advances Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 With Bipartisan Support

Following last night’s bipartisan committee passage of H.R. 8467, the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, Chairman Glenn 'GT' Thompson (PA-15) issued the following statement:

“Critics have wasted a lot of breath telling me what can’t be done, and last night the House Committee on Agriculture proved them wrong. I want to commend Reps. Caraveo, Davis, Sorensen, and Bishop for their willingness to see through the hyperbolic partisan rhetoric and help advance the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024.

I heard my Democratic colleagues loud and clear at markup, that there is a whole lot of common ground, and a few sticking points that can be resolved through conversation and negotiation. Great things can be accomplished when you don’t surround yourself with redlines, and I am eager to continue our work with whomever wants to come to the table.

I implore Senator Stabenow to invite Ranking Member Boozman and Senate Republicans to the table, just as I have consistently done with House Democrats. The House Committee on Agriculture has proven there is a path to a bipartisan compromise that addresses the needs of rural America, enhances the farm safety net, and does right by our neighbors in need.

A farm bill is too important to let slip any further, including into next year. Farm and ranch families cannot wait.”