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Chairman Thompson Praises USDA's Swift Disbursement of Economic Assistance

House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15) issued the following statement after Secretary Brooke Rollins announced USDA would be issuing up to $10 billion directly to agricultural producers through the Emergency Commodity Assistance Program (ECAP) for the 2024 crop year:

“Grappling with rising input costs, declining commodity prices, record debt levels, and a lingering agricultural trade deficit, America's farmers and ranchers are teetering on the edge of a financial cliff. That’s exactly why I fought to ensure this assistance was included in last year’s continuing resolution.

“I commend the Trump Administration for moving swiftly to stand up this vital program and provide much-needed relief to farm country. Secretary Rollins and the team at USDA deserve credit for cutting through red tape and prioritizing farm families facing financial uncertainty.

“While this relief is a crucial financial bridge for many, it is no substitute for the enactment of a strong, five-year farm bill that delivers risk management tools our farmers can rely upon for the long run. I look forward to delivering on this promise in partnership with congressional colleagues and the Trump Administration.”

Courtesy of USDA:

Eligible Commodities and Payment Rates
The commodities below are eligible for these per-acre payment rates:

  • Wheat - $30.69

Eligible oilseeds:

  • Corn - $42.91
  • Canola - $31.83
  • Sorghum - $42.52
  • Crambe - $19.08
  • Barley - $21.67
  • Flax - $20.97
  • Oats - $77.66
  • Mustard - $11.36
  • Upland cotton & Extra-long staple cotton - $84.74
  • Rapeseed - $23.63
  • Long & medium grain rice - $76.94
  • Safflower - $26.32
  • Peanuts - $75.51
  • Sesame - $16.83
  • Soybeans - $29.76
  • Sunflower - $27.23
  • Dry peas - $16.02


  • Lentils - $19.30


  • Small Chickpeas - $31.45


  • Large Chickpeas - $24.02


Producer Eligibility
Eligible producers must report 2024 crop year planted and prevented planted acres to FSA on an FSA-578, Report of Acreage form. Producers who have not previously reported 2024 crop year acreage or filed a notice of loss for prevented planted crops must submit an acreage report by the Aug. 15, 2025, deadline. Eligible producers can visit for eligibility and payment details.
Applying for ECAP
Producers must submit ECAP applications to their local FSA county office by Aug. 15, 2025. Only one application is required for all ECAP eligible commodities nationwide. ECAP applications can be submitted to FSA in-person, electronically using Box and One-Span, by fax or by applying online at utilizing a secure account.
If not already on file for the 2024 crop year, producers must have the following forms on file with FSA:

  • Form AD-2047, Customer Data Worksheet.
  • Form CCC-901, Member Information for Legal Entities (if applicable).
  • Form CCC-902, Farm Operating Plan for an individual or legal entity.
  • Form CCC 943, 75 percent of Average Gross Income from Farming, Ranching, or Forestry Certification (if applicable).
  • AD-1026, Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification.
  • SF-3881, Direct Deposit.

Except for the new CCC-943, most producers, especially those who have previously participated in FSA programs, likely have these forms on file. However, those who are uncertain and want to confirm the status of their forms or need to submit the new Form-943, can contact their local FSA county office.
If a producer does not receive a pre-filled ECAP application, and they planted or were prevented from planting ECAP eligible commodities in 2024, they should contact their local FSA office.
ECAP Payments and Calculator
ECAP payments will be issued as applications are approved. Initial ECAP payments will be factored by 85% to ensure that total program payments do not exceed available funding. If additional funds remain, FSA may issue a second payment.
ECAP assistance will be calculated using a flat payment rate for the eligible commodity multiplied by the eligible reported acres. Payments are based on acreage and not production. For acres reported as prevented plant, ECAP assistance will be calculated at 50%.
For ECAP payment estimates, producers are encouraged to visit to use the ECAP online calculator.