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Opening Statements

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway Committee on Agriculture Hearing: Renegotiating NAFTA: Opportunities for Agriculture

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: I want to start by welcoming all of our witnesses. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to share your thoughts with us today. As we have noted time and again, America’s farmers and ranchers are the most efficient, productive and competitive producers in the world. Their ability to meet the rapidly-growing and ever-changing demands both at home and ...

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway: Committee on Agriculture Hearing: The State of Infrastructure in Rural America

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and thank y’all for being here today. There is perhaps no current public policy proposal that commands more bipartisan public support than the idea of rebuilding America’s public works. We’ve all heard the news reports about the impact aging infrastructure has on our ability to trade, travel and communicate. But perhaps nowhere is the need to renew ou...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson: Nutrition Subcommittee: The Next Farm Bill: Pathways to Success for SNAP Households

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and welcome to today’s Nutrition Subcommittee hearing. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to be here, particularly our three witnesses. As you know, over the past two and a half years the committee has undertaken a comprehensive review of SNAP. The review has helped provide members with a better understanding of SNAP, the population it serves,...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Rick Crawford General Farm Commodities & Risk Management Subcommittee: The Future of Farming: Technological Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges for Producers

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you for joining us today. Yesterday, the full committee held a productive discussion on how technology is influencing specialty crop production. Today, our subcommittee will explore how promising new information technologies and the increasing utilization of data in agriculture is influencing the future of farming. It is a critical time for everyone involved...

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway Committee on Agriculture Hearing: The Next Farm Bill: Technology & Innovation in Specialty Crops

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and thank you all for joining us. Specialty crops play an important role in the success of U.S. agriculture and are an essential component of our national food policy—the farm bill. Diversity among the crops—ranging from fruits and vegetables, to tree nuts, to nursery crops and floriculture—makes the task of developing the specialty crop safety net pa...

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway Committee on Agriculture Hearing: Clearing the Next Crisis: Resilience, Recovery and Resolution of Derivative Clearinghouses

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning. Thank you for being here today. Today’s hearing builds on the important work done by the CEEC subcommittee last year, under the helm of Chairman Austin Scott and Ranking Member David Scott. I want to thank them for their work examining how well our regulators responded to the financial crisis. While those hearings were focused on past performance, to...

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway Committee on Agriculture Hearing: The Next Farm Bill: University Research

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and thank you all for joining us. As we continue working to craft the next farm bill, we turn our attention to one of the primary drivers of innovation and productivity in our 21st century agricultural economy – university research. For more than 100 years, our producers have relied on investments in agricultural research to drive efficiencies and gai...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Frank Lucas Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee: Small Watershed Infrastructure: Continuing the Mission, Building upon Success

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and welcome to today's hearing. Nearly 70 years ago, my predecessors exhibited exceptional foresight through their investment in watershed infrastructure projects. The lasting benefits of those investments through the Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations program—also commonly known as P.L. 566—have allowed NRCS to partner with local communities t...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson: Nutrition Subcommittee: The Next Farm Bill: SNAP Technology and Modernization

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and welcome to today’s Nutrition Subcommittee hearing on SNAP technology and modernization. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to be here, particularly our four witnesses. As many of you know, our committee has conducted a thorough review of SNAP over the past two years. I want to take a moment to share why this was done and what we hope to ac...

Opening Statement: Chairman K. Michael Conaway Committee on Agriculture Hearing: The Next Farm Bill: The Future of International Food Aid and Agricultural Development

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and thank you all for joining us. Before we get started, I wanted to extend my condolences to our friends at Didion Milling. John Didion testified before the committee in September 2015 about the important work they do in milling grain into specially designed food aid products. Unfortunately, one week ago today, Didion Milling experienced a catastroph...