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Opening Statements

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Davis: Defending American Agriculture Against Foreign Pests and Diseases

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Remarks as prepared: Good morning. I am pleased to be here alongside my good friend, Representative David Rouzer, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture, for this joint hearing in which we will highlight efforts to defend American agriculture against the introduction of foreign pests and diseases. This hearing is the third in a series of hearings through which the Commit...

Opening Statement: Chairman Conaway: Examining State Options

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Tags: SNAP

Remarks as prepared: I want to welcome our witnesses to today’s hearing and thank them for being here as we continue our review of the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP. This is our twelfth hearing within this series, and we have learned a tremendous amount about the complexities of SNAP and even more about the diverse individuals and communities that it serves. As we continue our review, we will ...

Opening Statement: Chairman Glenn Thompson: Voluntary Conservation: Utilizing Innovation and Technology

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Good afternoon. I would like to welcome everyone to this hearing of the Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee on the topic of utilizing innovation and technology in voluntary conservation. This hearing provides an opportunity to highlight new practices, innovative approaches to using tried and true methods, and advancing technology as it applies to voluntary conservation efforts. We know that vol...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Austin Scott: G20 swap data reporting goals

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Remarks as prepared: Good Morning. I want to start today by thanking you for joining the Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit Subcommittee for our first meeting of 2016. As many of you may remember, the full House Committee on Agriculture held a hearing last July on the implementation of Dodd Frank over the five years since it was passed. That hearing highlighted some of the remaining challenge...

Opening Statement: Chairman Conaway: State of the Rural Economy

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Remarks as prepared for delivery: I am pleased that Secretary Vilsack could join us for this annual hearing to assess the economic conditions in farm country. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Secretary. In assessing the situation, I think it is fair to say that America’s farmers and ranchers are falling on some very hard times right now. Worse yet, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. To q...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Rouzer: Foot and Mouth Disease

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Remarks as prepared: Good afternoon and welcome to today’s Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee hearing. Today we will be evaluating our preparation in the event of an introduction of a highly contagious animal disease: Foot and Mouth Disease - or FMD. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to be here and I want to thank, in particular, our witnesses for their participation and valuab...

Opening Statement: Chairman Conaway: Impact of EPA's Actions on Rural Economy

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Remarks as prepared: Good morning. I thank Administrator McCarthy for being here today. There is a reason a top issue for nearly every Member of the Agriculture Committee is related to the regulatory agenda of the Environmental Protection Agency. Many members of this committee believe that over the years, EPA has pursued an agenda seemingly absent any recognition of the consequences for rural Amer...

Opening Statement: Chairman Conaway: 2016 CFTC Agenda

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Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and welcome to the Agriculture Committee’s Hearing to Review the 2016 Agenda for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Today’s hearing is held against a bleak backdrop for many commodity producers, especially those in farm country. The past two years have seen a dramatic fall in commodity prices, across the board, creating significant operational ...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairwoman Walorski: Food Incentive Programs

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Remarks as prepared: Good morning and welcome to today’s Nutrition Subcommittee hearing. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to be here and I want to thank, in particular, our witnesses for their participation and valuable insights. It’s easy to think of malnutrition only in terms of the quantity of food intake: Is someone eating enough? But there’s another crucial element that we can’t over...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairman Davis: Direct Marketing

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Remarks as prepared: Good morning and welcome. Today, we will hear from producers involved in direct marketing ventures, such as local farmers markets, direct to restaurant or grocery store sales, value added sales, and community supported agriculture. Entrepreneurial efforts of individual producers certainly drive success in direct marketing ventures. Nevertheless, as producers seek to develop ne...