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Opening Statements

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Business Meeting: To Consider H.R. 4374, The Broadband Internet Connections for Rural America Act

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: First, I want to thank you for listening to the concerns of our Members by bringing forward the updated amendment that reflects the changes that Representative Bustos planned to offer today. The new amendment removes the language that sets aside funding for specific states and by doing that we are putting all rural communities that are in desperate need of reliabl...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Don Bacon Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations Subcommittee Hearing: Examining the SNAP Benefit Cliff

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Chair Hayes. And many thanks to our panel of witnesses before us today. I appreciate this hearing; I think we can all agree there are merits to the issue, and even though we may diverge on solutions, it is important we hear one another out and understand there is actually no one way to mitigate every penalty and disincentive associated with our safety n...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Jim Baird Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Subcommittee Hearing: Supply Chain Recovery and Resiliency: Small Producers and Local Agricultural Markets

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and thank you Chair Plaskett for calling this hearing today. I am excited for our Subcommittee to come together for the first official hearing for this Congress. Chair Plaskett – I look forward to developing a fruitful relationship with you as we serve this Subcommittee and the very important role that its jurisdiction – especially biotechnology, res...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Austin Scott General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee Hearing: A Hearing to Review the Efficacy of the Farm Safety Net

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Chairwoman Bustos, thank you for holding this hearing to evaluate the importance of the farm safety net. After the experiences of the last several years in the Southeast, this hearing is vital now more than ever as we enter hurricane season and the threat it poses to farmers as well as countless other risks our producers across the country face. Not only has the p...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing: 1890 Land Grant Institutions: Investing for Agricultural Resiliency, Equity, and Global Impact

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and thank you, Chairman Scott, for holding this hearing today. Before I begin, a point of personal privilege if I may. While I certainly appreciate today’s hearing and topic, I again want to make clear that I hope this Committee can turn its attention to the needs of production agriculture, including hearing the testimony of Secretary Vilsack. The ne...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Business Meeting: Consideration of the Committee Print of S. 409

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for the record: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to start by thanking you for calling this markup and allowing the Committee to proceed with our business through regular order. I think it is so important for our members to be able to work on bipartisan legislation and protecting this critical program is an opportunity for us to come together and fulfill our responsibilities. I k...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Michelle Fischbach Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit Subcommittee Hearing: Examining Opportunities for Growth and Investment in Rural America

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remark as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and hello to my colleagues and welcome to our witnesses. It is nice to be here for the first meeting of our Subcommittee this Congress. Like many of you, I represent an extremely rural district. We are among the top ag-producing districts in the nation and are responsible for nearly half of Minnesota’s agricultural sales. My district plays ...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Don Bacon Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations Subcommittee Hearing: The Future of SNAP: Moving Past the Pandemic

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good afternoon, and welcome to our witnesses. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge, experiences, and advice on how to best move forward in our mission to ensure those in need have access to SNAP. Based on the title of this hearing, I am hopeful we can use today to discuss not only the Department’s emergency response to COVID-19, but where improvem...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing: Member Day

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: I’d like to start by thanking our fellow Committee members for joining us today. And my gratitude to those who are not members of this Committee but who have made agriculture a priority by joining us today. Mr. Chairman, I would be remiss if I did not take this time to also reflect on the Committee’s work in the months ahead. The only legislation to advance throug...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Doug LaMalfa Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee Hearing: Title II Conservation Programs: Exploring Climate Smart Practices

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: The 2018 Farm Bill offered important environmental and resource benefits through USDA’s suite of voluntary, incentive-based conservation programs. The conservation title provides an estimated $6 billion per year to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners for the implementation of practices that truly work. Through these voluntary programs, producers can improve s...