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Opening Statements

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing: Rural Broadband — Examining Internet Connectivity Needs and Opportunities

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Before jumping into today’s hearing, I would like to take a moment to welcome Congresswoman Julia Letlow of Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District. We are honored to have your perspective moving forward on rural America’s most pressing issues, one of which, of course, is broadband connectivity. For years, the digital divide has left many Americans unable to access...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing to Review the State of Black Farmers in the U.S.

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding today’s hearing on such an important issue—an issue that I know is not only near and dear to your heart, but an issue of importance that each and every one of us participating today, including those tuning in to our live stream, can learn something from. Today’s hearing to review the state of Black farmers in...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing: A Look at Food Insecurity in America

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning. First, let me thank our witnesses for their time and attention. Your participation—in what is this Committee’s first, or at least more fulsome, attempt at publicly reviewing the pandemic and Congress’ response—is much appreciated. This pandemic has infiltrated our lives in every sense possible. Unfortunately, the brunt of it was borne on our communit...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Glenn 'GT' Thompson Full Committee Hearing: “Climate Change and the U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Sectors”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good afternoon. I would like to thank the Chairman for holding today’s hearing and his flexibility due to the updated Floor schedule. The impact climate has on agriculture production and on our natural resources is an issue of great importance to all of us on the House Agriculture Committee. Working with us on a mutually agreeable time that provides for greater Me...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader Thompson on Majority’s Partisan, Secretive Budget Reconciliation Measure

| Posted in Opening Statements

Washington, DC – Opening remarks, as prepared, of Committee on Agriculture Republican Leader Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15) from today’s markup of the Committee majority’s budget reconciliation measure: “Mr. Chairman, it is with a measure of regret that we begin our tenure together marking up this reconciliation bill. The members of the Ag Committee have long prided ourselves on our bipartisanship. W...

Opening Statement: Republican Leader-Elect Glenn 'GT' Thompson Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research Public Hearing: “1890 Land Grant Institutions - 130 Years of Building Equity in Agriculture”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning, and thank you Chair Plaskett for convening this hearing today. I am pleased to be celebrating such an important occasion. August 30th of this year marked the 130th anniversary of the enactment of the Morrill Act of 1890. Also known as the Second Morrill Act, this law led to the establishment of the 1890 land-grant universities, that today number 19 i...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Doug LaMalfa Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry Public Hearing: “Challenges and Successes of Conservation Programs in 2020”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good morning and thank you Chair Spanberger for holding today’s hearing to review the successes and challenges of the conservation programs in 2020. In January of this year, our subcommittee heard from NRCS Chief Lohr and FSA Administrator Fordyce regarding the implementation of the conservation programs included in the 2018 Farm Bill. Since that time, our country...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Doug LaMalfa Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry Public Hearing: “The 2020 Wildfire Year: Response and Recovery Efforts”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Good afternoon everyone. Before we begin, I would like to recognize the life and legacy of Chairman Bob Smith. Bob Smith was a family man, a team roper, a cattle rancher, a banker, a contractor, and a legislator. He loved this institution and understood that working across the aisle was the best way to succeed. Bob was a politician’s politician, and many sought hi...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Austin Scott Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit Public Hearing: “On-Farm Energy Production: Impacts on Farm Income and Rural Communities”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Mr. Chairman, thank you for calling today’s hearing to review on-farm energy production. I believe this hearing is timely given the current discussions taking place on the future of U.S. energy policy and the future of U.S. agriculture. Recently, the majority staff of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released a report which details recommended congressio...

Opening Statement: Ranking Member Dusty Johnson Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations Public Hearing: “An Overview of the Farmers to Families Food Box Program”

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Madam Chair. When Secretary Perdue announced the creation of the Farmers to Families Food Box program, I was excited. This was a way to expeditiously assist producers—many of whom were plowing over crops or dumping milk because of supply chain disruptions—as well as consumers who found themselves in circumstances beyond their control, and in great need....