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Press Releases

Committee Hears From Colorado Producers

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House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Ranking Minority Member Collin Peterson Monday, May 8, convened a field hearing in Greeley, Colorado to review the 2002 Farm Bill. Ten members of the Committee attended yesterday’s hearing and heard from two panels of witnesses about a variety of farm policy issues including commodity programs, farm economy, land prices, rural development, ...

Chairman Launches Web-Based Farm Bill Feedback Form

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GREELEY, CO – Today Chairman Bob Goodlatte announced the launch of a web-based farm bill feedback form on the House Committee on Agriculture website. The announcement was made at a farm bill field hearing in Greeley, Colorado early this morning. The web-based form allows producers throughout the nation to provide the Committee with feedback about current farm policy as well as input about the futu...

Subcommittee Hears from Arizona Producers

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Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Chairman Jerry Moran convened a field hearing Monday evening in Coolidge, Arizona to review federal commodity programs. This was the Subcommittee’s second in a series of hearings to review various aspects of the 2002 Farm Bill which is set to expire in September 2007. Four Agriculture Committee Members attended the hearing and heard from...

Chairman Goodlatte Praises Resolution of Canadian Softwood Lumber Dispute

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House Agriculture Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) issued the following statement after the announcement that US and Canadian officials had reached an agreement on softwood lumber trade. “I applaud the efforts of Deputy US Trade Representative Susan Schwab and Canada’s Ambassador to the US, the Honorable Michael Wilson, for their Herculean efforts to resolve this issue. US lumber producers ...

Chairman Reviews Futures Markets & Gasoline Prices

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Today House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Bob Goodlatte chaired a hearing to review the role of futures markets in determining gasoline prices. Witnesses Walter Lukken, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commissioner, and James Newsome, President and CEO of the New York Mercantile Exchange, testified that they had not discovered any manipulation or inappropriate activity in the futures marke...

Subcommittee Reviews Federal Crop Insurance

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Today Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Chairman Jerry Moran convened the second in a series of two hearings to review the federal crop insurance program. Federal crop insurance is designed to help agricultural producers mitigate unavoidable risks such as adverse weather, natural disasters, disease and insect infestation that directly affect the agriculture industry. “Th...

Moran Leads Congressional Delegation to Geneva

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Chairman Bob Goodlatte announced today that Rep. Jerry Moran will lead a delegation of Congressional members to Geneva this week to meet with officials involved in the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Doha round of negotiations. Rep. Moran is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management and will be traveling on behalf of the House Committee on Agriculture. The S...

Japan misbrands whole industry for one company's mistake

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Chicago Sun-Times op-ed April 7, 2006By Chairman Bob Goodlatte In response to the March 31 Commentary in the Sun-Times Business section by Chicago attorney Calvin Manshio ("'Don't worry' doesn't cut it for Japan in beef over U.S. imports"), I appreciate the willingness of the Sun-Times to correct Mr. Manshio's claim that the United States shipped beef to Japan that contained Bovine Spongiform Ence...

Committee Passes Forest Recovery Bill

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Today, the House Committee on Agriculture considered and passed H.R. 4200, "The Forest Recovery and Research Act", as amended. This legislation has broad bipartisan support with 147 co-sponsors including both Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Ranking Minority Member Collin Peterson. The bill passed the Committee on a vote of 36 to 3. In December 2003, Congress enacted the Healthy Forests Restoration Act ...