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Thompson Op-Ed: Biden's Burden on America's Farms Only Worsen Food Crisis

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Biden's Burden on America's Farms Only Worsen Food Crisis Republican Leader Glenn "GT" Thompson July 6, 2022 The global food supply is in crisis, and the worst is yet to come. The world’s most vulnerable communities are feeling the devastation of geopolitical strife, historic levels of inflation, and the lingering impacts of the pandemic. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden’s federal regulatory ba...

ICYMI: Republican Leader Thompson, Rep. Ron Kind Introduce Bill to Combat Chronic Wasting Disease

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Yesterday, Republican Leader of the House Agriculture Committee Glenn 'GT' Thompson and Representative Ron Kind of Wisconsin introduced a bipartisan bill to combat chronic wasting disease (CWD). Tomorrow, October 21, the Committee will mark up this legislation in addition to a number of other bills. Please see below for a press release from Mr. Thompson's office. Reps. Thompson, Kind Introduce th...

Thompson Lambasts Partisan Reconciliation Process

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Today, Republican Leader of the House Agriculture Committee, Glenn "GT" Thompson, delivered a scathing speech on the House floor regarding the partisan reconciliation process. "This sham of a process is an insult to the 201 years of the House Agriculture Committee’s bipartisanship," Thompson said. "I refuse to stand idly by as this Committee is driven into the ground by a partisan process that lea...

ICYMI: Industry Leaders Share Support of Broadband for Rural America Act

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Washington, DC—Recently, the House Agriculture Committee introduced the Broadband for Rural America Act, a blueprint for a better-connected America. The bill has garnered widespread support from Members of Congress as well as industry leaders. Zippy Duvall, President of American Farm Bureau Federation “We must continue to expand access to broadband in rural America until we have fully bridged the...

Agri-Talk Interview with Republican Leader Thompson

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Agri-Talk Farm Journal news director John Herath sits in for Chip this morning and we have a packed show. U.S. Representative Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15) discusses the COVID-19 package that was passed late last week. Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, talks about the 10th Circuit Appeals Court's ruling being endorsed by the EPA and what happens next. And Lance Honi...

DC Signal to Noise: Thompson Looks at Partisanship in the Ag Committee

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Farm Journal The House Agriculture Committee is often touted as a sanctum of bipartisanship. It was anything but as the first markup of the 117th Congress was held, examining a majority-drafted coronavirus aid bill. One Republican sponsored amendment, also backed by Democrat Cindy Axne of Iowa, made it through committee. That addition, that would have extended WHIP+ disaster aid to 2020 events suc...

Competing Covid Relief Plan Offered by House Farm Panel GOP

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Bloomberg Government Megan Boyanton House Agriculture Committee Republicans plan to introduce their own Covid-19 relief plan Thursday, showcasing their priorities for a bipartisan package. The discussion draft spearheaded by ranking member Glenn “GT” Thompson (Pa.) and other panel Republicans would provide $2.1 billion for rural health clinics, hospitals, schools, and other facilities, and $1 bill...

House Ag Committee starts out with partisanship

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Farm Progress Jacqui Fatka After watching 8 hours of debate between the Democrats and Republicans on the House Agriculture Committee Wednesday one thing is clear: The committee’s history of bipartisanship is in serious jeopardy. And it could bring a rocky start for a Congress needing a glimmer of hope for bipartisanship for the 117th Congress. In the last three months since the election, many farm...