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Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations (117th Congress)

Nutrition Subcommittee reviews food incentive programs

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Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-2), Chairwoman of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, held a hearing to review incentive programs aimed at increasing low-income families’ purchasing power of fruits and vegetables. Members heard from a variety of witnesses on how incentive programs are increasing the consumption of healthier foods, along with the challenges and oppor...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairwoman Walorski: Food Incentive Programs

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared: Good morning and welcome to today’s Nutrition Subcommittee hearing. Thank you to everyone for taking the time to be here and I want to thank, in particular, our witnesses for their participation and valuable insights. It’s easy to think of malnutrition only in terms of the quantity of food intake: Is someone eating enough? But there’s another crucial element that we can’t over...

Nutrition subcommittee examines challenges faced by seniors, veterans, and active-duty military

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Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-2), Chairwoman of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, held a hearing to examine the various challenges faced by low-income seniors, veterans, and active-duty military. This hearing is a continuation of the full-scale review of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), known as the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP. The sub...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairwoman Walorski: Addressing Special Populations

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared: Good morning, happy new year, and welcome to today’s Nutrition Subcommittee hearing. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to be here and I want to thank, in particular, our witnesses for their participation. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, is by far the nation’s largest federal food assistance program. Last year, we began a review of the past, p...

Nutrition subcommittee examines how to break the cycle of poverty in young adults

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Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-2), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Nutrition, held a hearing to examine how growing up in poverty impacts children’s ability to move up the economic ladder and break the cycle of poverty. This hearing is part of the committee’s ongoing review of the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP, currently known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prog...

Opening Statement: Subcommittee Chairwoman Walorski: Breaking the Cycle

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared: Good morning and welcome to our meeting of the Nutrition Subcommittee. Thank you all for making time in your schedules to be here and thank you to today’s witnesses for your participation. This is the latest hearing in our series, the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP. Today, we are examining how to break the cycle of poverty. This hearing was inspired by a visit I made last y...

Nutrition Subcommittee examines evidence-based solutions to improve nutrition programs

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Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-2), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Nutrition, held a hearing to discuss the development and utilization of evidence-based solutions to improve nutrition programs. This hearing is a continuation of the committee’s ongoing review, known as the Past, Present, and Future of SNAP. The subcommittee heard from experts who shared how results from quali...

Joint Committee Reviews How Our Welfare System Can Discourage Work

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Today, the House Agriculture Nutrition Subcommittee held a joint hearing with the House Committee on Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee addressing how certain welfare programs and related benefits can discourage work as a result of the high effective marginal tax rates they impose on certain populations.

Opening Statement: Nutrition Subcommittee Chairwoman Jackie Walorski Joint Hearing with Ways & Means Committee: Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: How Our Welfare System Can Discourage Work

| Posted in Opening Statements

Remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you to Chairman Ryan and Subcommittee Chairman Boustany for hosting this historic joint hearing between our two committees as we better explore how our welfare system can discourage work. As the chair of the Nutrition Subcommittee, we have spent the past five months exploring the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as food stamps. Our revie...

Nutrition Subcommittee Holds Hearing to Review Duplication and Areas of Unmet Needs in Government Nutrition Programs

| Posted in Press Releases

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-2), Chairwoman of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Nutrition held a hearing on duplication and unmet needs in government nutrition programs. The subcommittee heard from researchers and practitioners who have first-hand experience of how the many federal nutrition programs serve families in need of assistance. The repeated theme am...