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Press Releases

Farm Bill Process Moves Forward With House Conferee Appointments

Chairman Frank Lucas issued the following statement after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) named the Republican members who will serve on the House-Senate Conference Committee tasked with resolving differences between the House and Senate-passed Farm Bills.

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

Today, Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) issued the following statement after House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) named the Republican members who will serve on the House-Senate Conference Committee tasked with resolving differences between the House and Senate-passed farm bills. The House passed, by voice vote, a motion to go to conference with the Senate on Friday.

"I am pleased to be at this point in the farm bill process where we are about to begin negotiations with our friends in the Senate and put a final bill together. This has been a long and challenging process, but that does not discount the product we have achieved with billions of dollars in savings and reforms, and policy that works for all of agriculture all across the country. There are challenging issues yet to overcome, but we have a solid team of negotiators in place. I am confident we can reach consensus and send a five-year farm bill to the president."


House Committee on Agriculture conferees:

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House Ways & Means Committee conferees:


House Committee on Agriculture conferees:

Leadership conferee:

House Foreign Affairs Committee conferee:

House Ways & Means Committee conferee:
