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House Agriculture Committee examines Oil and Gas Industry’s Impact on Rural America

Washington, D.C. - Today, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to examine the oil and gas industry’s impact on rural America. While the committee focuses primarily on the economic impacts of agriculture, many rural communities that depend upon agriculture also rely upon the economic activity generated by energy production. Today’s hearing allowed committee Members to focus on upstream oil and gas production and the associated economic effects. Members heard from a panel of witnesses whose rural communities and livelihoods are directly impacted by oil and gas production.

“This committee is responsible for all of rural America, and the oil and gas industry is part of that as it directly impacts rural communities and the livelihoods of those residents. In west Texas and across the country, the oil and gas sector plays a major role in providing a significant number of good paying jobs for Americans. These jobs give rural America the ability to retain young people with new opportunities, attract new residents, and increase the standard of living for all people of the community. Just like the farm economy, oil and gas is on the downturn and as a committee it is essential we recognize the hard times our rural economy is facing and explore all policy options available to mitigate the economic damage to rural America,” said Chairman K. Michael Conaway.